Does anyone know how I can fix this problem? Everytime I get an email with a website, I try to open it and the page is blank. Nothing opens. Like if Ebay sends me something and I have to go to the website for verification, it won't open just blank.

Edit: Request for email assistance removed. Any assistance should be posted in the forum topic for others to read and make use of also - Catweazle

Courtney, if you let us know the name of your email program and your web browser program, it would help us a lot.

Courtney, if you let us know the name of your email program and your web browser program, it would help us a lot.

My email is yahoo and I am using Internet Explorer

Then my immediate suggestion would be to install Mozilla or Firefox and see if it works in that browser. Even if you don't plan to keep on using the other browser in the future, it will help to clarify the source of your problem.

Then my immediate suggestion would be to install Mozilla or Firefox and see if it works in that browser. Even if you don't plan to keep on using the other browser in the future, it will help to clarify the source of your problem.

Thank You. I will try one of those.

Thank You. I will try one of those.

I am using Mozilla Firefox and it works excellent. Thank you for helping me. I appreciate it.

I would also suggest that you visit the 'Viruses and nasties' section of this forum, read the stickied topics thoroughly, and follow the instructions in those to rid your system of any spyware, trojans and other internet-borne intruders you may have. Such intruders are the prime reason for problems with Internet Explorer, and should be removed from your system whether you are using that browser or not.

Stick with Firefox, by the way, and have it set as your default browser. Your system is more secure if you do :)

As Catweazle suggested, you should still try to get IE working properly as it is the only way to get your Windows Updates. You may run into other websites as well that need IE to access them.

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