
All those people who have a blanke page when clicking on the Microsoft Update page or nothing appears in the Yahoo Messenger if typing a message, try the following:

1. Reinstall the Visual Basic Script Support

it can be found here:

if your OS have a different language, choose that type of Visual Basic Script Support.

2. Reboot the PC

Should help and work.

Waiting for your feedback.

Came across this post in a googe seach about blank microsoft update pages. This solution doesn't work for me. Any other suggestions?

Set Security level in Internet Options to 'default'. Disable any and all ad-blocking software. Check Firewall and antivirus settings to ensure that Windows Update is not being blocked (disable these and try to see if they are the problem)

Panda Platinum, for example, by default blocks all VB and Java code from running.

I already tried all of that.

Anyone able to help? :sad:

Whats this "XML Parser 3.0" for?

Anyways when Installing I had the following message pop up a number of times.

"Files that are required for windows to run properly have been replaced by unrecognized versions. To maintain system stability windows must restore the original versions of these files. Insert XP pro now"

It never specifies which files.(kind of annoying to be asked if I want to replace unnamed files) Some of these files may have been replaced by XP antispy as a way to disable XP pros more annoying automatic features. Anyways I lost my XP pro CD when I moved last fall.

In any event installing msxml3usa.msi did not fix the problem. I still can not load the windows update webpage.

Purely as a point of curiostiy, what browser are you using?

IE 6............

Hi True. Sorry to hear that all the solutions have led to a dead end. Have you tried running sfc to check the system files? Unfortunately you don't have your XP cd and sometimes it asks for it. Do you know anyone else who has an XP cd? Have you tried re-registering these DLLs?

regsvr32 wuapi.dll
regsvr32 wups.dll
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 wucltui.dll
regsvr32 msxml3.dll

I would just create a batch file and stick those lines in like they are in this reply and run the batch file. After that, try reinstalling the VB Script. If that doesn't work, the only other 2 options I can think of is an OS repair or a complete reinstall (both of which will require you to have an XP CD).

Sorry, your talking a little over my head. I'm reasonably computer literate. I've built my share of computers and trouble shooted them.. sometimes sucessfully :o as well.

I dont know anything about a sfc program.

I don't know alot of people in RL. Those I do know don't have XP.

I would just create a batch file and stick those lines in like they are in this reply and run the batch file.

I don't know what you mean by this. Are you saying to put those lines into a text file? What should I name it?

@DCC I realize what you were asking now. I was using IE 6 to get to windows update but I normally use maxthon for browsing.


Take those lines and put them into a text file, then name it anything u want to as long as it ends in .bat that way u turn it into a batch file. Then you double click it and it will run. In order to run SFC, all you have to do is go to Start > Run then type in sfc /scannow and Enter. It should start to run, the only problem is that if files are missing, it may ask you for the XP cd that you no longer have. Try the batch file first. You can also copy and paste each of those lines (one at a time) into the Run box and execute them that way.

Add the line below to the batch file or use it in the run command

regsvr32 jscript

I was actually trying to correct a blank user accounts page but the windows update page worked afterward as well.


All those people who have a blanke page when clicking on the Microsoft Update page or nothing appears in the Yahoo Messenger if typing a message, try the following:

1. Reinstall the Visual Basic Script Support

it can be found here:

if your OS have a different language, choose that type of Visual Basic Script Support.

2. Reboot the PC

Should help and work.

Waiting for your feedback.

I tried all of the solutions on this page and when they did not work I did this:
1. Open Internet Explorer Options from the Tool Menu
2. Scrolled down to the bottom where it said Languages and clicked it 3. There were NO languages chosen, so I added English
4. Hit Apply and OK
5. Closed my browser
6. Reopened Explorer - Windows Updates and VOILA!
The update page now appeared!
Hope this helps! I realize my response is a bit dated , however this just happened to me and that is how I arrived here. Is hoping the solution I have found will be one that works for those of you who have tried these other solutions if they have not worked for you. You might even want to have a go at this solutuion first,
it might be something as simple as my problem was.

[IMG]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/%5Bimg%5Dhttp://img96.imageshack.us/img96/4189/bd645ov.gif%5B/img%5D[/IMG] [IMG]http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/4189/bd645ov.gif[/IMG]

Wow, that worked for me!! I've been unable to run win updates or Defender updates. I created the batch file with those lines and all works now.


Add the line below to the batch file or use it in the run command

regsvr32 jscript

I was actually trying to correct a blank user accounts page but the windows update page worked afterward as well.

Hi True. Sorry to hear that all the solutions have led to a dead end. Have you tried running sfc to check the system files? Unfortunately you don't have your XP cd and sometimes it asks for it. Do you know anyone else who has an XP cd? Have you tried re-registering these DLLs?

regsvr32 wuapi.dll
regsvr32 wups.dll
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 wucltui.dll
regsvr32 msxml3.dll

I would just create a batch file and stick those lines in like they are in this reply and run the batch file. After that, try reinstalling the VB Script. If that doesn't work, the only other 2 options I can think of is an OS repair or a complete reinstall (both of which will require you to have an XP CD).

I found a thread that had some of the re-registered DLLs but they didn't work! This worked perfectly!!!! I have been trying to get my updates back for the past 24 hours! Thank You so much!!!

Depending on what version if IE you are using, I have found a solution not well documented..

For IE7 and IE8, use the / Advanced \ -> [ Reset ...] button to clear all settings. If this fails (like mine), use the following:

IE6, IE7, IE8 (Manually):
Reset all zones to default settings *
Reset privacy settings to default
Reset Advanced settings to default **
Close all IE windows

Reinstall Windows Scripting Engine 5.6

2000 - XP: Windows Scripting Engine 5.6 Reinstall

Server 2003: Windows Scripting Engine 5.6 Reinstall

-- I'm guessing there is another procedure as I can't find the reinstall for Vista or 7....

Provided you don't have a spyware blocking you, these should help.

However, you might try Microsoft's MRT to remove blocking spyware. (Full scan, takes a long time, and doesn't search for much.

Good luck. This has helped my situations (where all other solutions failed.)

* You might consider disabling Java if not needed, there have been a few Java viruses lately.

** For system safety, I recommend turning back on 3 items after resetting Advanced settings.
- Turn off 3rd party extensions
-- This disables toobars and hidden routines.
- Turn off Reuse windows for launching shortcuts
-- This is helpful for technicians only. Shouldn't affect normal users.
- Turn on empty temp files on exit
-- precaution against spyware installing on boot.

Happy hunting.

Thank you Purplepeopleeat. Registered many files with no success. Jscript was the key!

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