When I get an e-mail with an attach picture, I double click on the attachment and get the following error message "This application has failed to start because UXCore.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem." Then I click OK and get "Error loading C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\WLX Photo Viewer.dll The specified module could not be found."

If I save the attachment to a file, say a temp file, and then try to open it, it does open just fine. How do I get back to where I can open an attachment right at the e-mail source? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

The download from caperjack's URL when well but did not fix the problem. It is still the same error message I get.

FlamingClaw's down load resulted in this message "Photo Galllery can't open this photo or vidio. This file formate is not supported, or you don't have the latest updates to photo Gallery."

Thanks for trying but what do I try next?

FlamingClaw's down load resulted in this message "Photo Galllery can't open this photo or vidio.

you are not suppose to try and open that download ,you are to copy it to your system32 folder , usually found here ,

caperjack - good to hear back from you. When you said "you are to COPY it to your system32 folder" did you mean for me to SAVE it to my system 32 folder or did you mean for me to save it to a temp file and then copy and paste it into syatem32 folder or what? I think we may have a solution to this problem if SAVE is what you want me to try. When I looked in system 32 folder there was NO UXCore.dll
I await you reply. Thanks.

I really would like to hear back from some one if I am correct to SAVE (not copy) to systems32 folder because before I do it, I want to know it is the right thing to do as I know this systems32 folder is a very sensitive folder. Thanks for any help you can give me.

save to system32 is good ,

Save to system32 did not cure the problem and saving to c:\program files\windows live\installer also did not work.

If I send and attached picture (jpg) to my other mailer - hotmail rather then outlook- the attachment will open just fine.

I don't use Live anything ,don't like it , so i open my attached picture with my default choice of windows picture and fax viewer !,maybe you need to change the default viewer to get it to work in outlook

To change my default viewer to "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer in Outlook is a good idea, but what is the path to do that. I can not find it. Help please.

To change my default viewer to "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer in Outlook is a good idea, but what is the path to do that. I can not find it. Help please.

not sure if it can be done just for outlook, im referring to windows default, that can be done in control panel, add and remove program .on the let or it may in the start menu

I want to thank you so much for your continuing effort to help me. I however want to help back. My problem is solved by your suggestion to change the viewer back to Windows viewer and fax. I found a way to change back to windows viewer as my default viewer. Go to http://www.wikihow.com/Change-the-Default-Photo-Display-Program-in-Windows-XP and change JPE, JPEG and JPG to windows and fax viewer. It works. Yeh - ho finally got this problem solved and I hope this info will help others.

The UXCore.dll problem is not solved, I have just went around it. That works for me. Any one who knows how to solve the "UXCore.dll can't find" problem, please reply.

If its a missing or corrupt system DLL, have you tried running SFC?

sfc /scannow

when doing a google search, you seem to be the only one with this problem!, must be a conflict with something else on your computer !
are you using outlook or outlook express,if outlook what version

Outlook 2003
Last night I told you that I changed my default viewer from Gallery to Windows Picture and Fax viewer. Today I was looking at some pictures and noticed that my zoom in was not as smooth and I could no longer grab the picture to move it around like I could when using Gallery. So I’d like to go back to Gallery as default but don’t want that UXCore.dll problem back when trying to open a mail attachment. Believe it or not - I got it. How? Well I noticed that there were two Gallery viewers in where you choose the viewer you want to open with. So I thought maybe one of them is good and the other one has the .dll problem. Bingo – bang go, that is exactly what I fond the case to be. You got to get lucky once in awhile. I guess that I got a corrupted download one time or something, but it is all working now. Any thoughts? So thanks again and mark this as solved.

So thanks again and mark this as solved.

great ,the mark as solved button only shows for admin people and you

Ive marked it as solved. (Im a moderator of this particular board)

Thanks again to Caperjack for saying with me on this problem to the end. He was great!

Thanks again to Caperjack for saying with me on this problem to the end. He was great!

your welcome ! good luck

Click on the link provided below to download UXCore.dll file and follow the steps given here.


Step1: Copy the downloaded file and paste it at the following location.
If you running a 32 bit OS, path will be
C: / Windows / System32
And If you running a 64 bit OS, path will be
C: / Windows / SysWOW64
Note: C: It is the drive in which your windows is installed.
Step 2: After copy the file there, restart your windows.

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