Ive recently unistalled unimportant software from my computer, done defragements, disk compression, disk cleanups and error checking quite regualarly for some time now.

After i first started ive noticed that EVERY time i startup my computer it comes up with 2 error messages on after the other when loading the desktop:]

AirGCFG.exe - entry point not found.
The entry point was not found in the dynamic link library sisbase.dll.
WZCSLDR2.exe - entry point not found.
The entry point was not found in the dynamic link library sisbase.dll.

And quite recently another one has come up, making it 3 now:

keyhook.exe - entry point not found
?readkeystring@Csisreg@@sahpadohopauhkey@@k@z could not be located in the dynamic link library sisbase.dll.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me here as this is really annoying me!
Ive done all error scaning, checking virus detection and all the stuff i listed before.

Which OS are you using?? Which Service Pack?? Are you on an Acer?? Have you uninstalled the Wireless (probably D-link) driver recently or installed a new service pack upgrade lately??

The first two errors are related to the wireless driver while the third is a process relating to the 'Acer Launch Manager'...

* http://christian-directory.org/Technology.aspx

If you have lately updated your windows' OS :
1. Follow the link given below. This will take you to D-link support website.
* http://support.dlink.com/chooseCountry.asp
2. Select the model of the d-link hardware
3. Read the Q/A by scrolling down the page and select the one about problem with SP3
4. Select to download new drivers for correct model number. (When you download SAVE to a folder you remember were it is)
5. Once finished downloading, open file and click setup.

clean the registry.

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