I just built a new computer and installed all of the drivers. It worked well until the comp froze and went back to the settings it was at before the computer auto installed the drivers. The problem is that I can't get the comp. to reload the drivers (mainly vid card) and (sound card). How do I get things working right again instead of working (more or less in safe mode) as it would seem?

when my computer starts up a get an error message that says error loading cmicnfg.cpl i think that this may have something to do w/ my previous post. Please respond if you can help

try ,right click on mycomputer/properties/device manager ,and if any reference to display and sound are there remove them and reboot computer .

Merged threads as original poster believes that they may be linked problems.

when my computer starts up a get an error message that says error loading cmicnfg.cpl. I think that this may have something to do w/ my previous post. Please respond if you can help

This is a reference to the onboard sound, also known as AC '97 sound. Do you have a sound card plugged in? This can lead to confusion within Windows if the onboard sound is not turned off.

I get the same error message when i start up into windows xp, I do not have any other sound device besides my onboard sound.

I too am getting the same error message on re-boot. error loading cmicnfg.cpl on Windows 98SE with a Chaintech 7KJD Mainboard. Driving me crazy as well. Have delete and reload several times. Have deleted sound and video devices and rebooted but error returns each time. Will start up with sound but eventually the sound drops out and have to reboot to get it back.

when my computer starts up a get an error message that says error loading cmicnfg.cpl i think that this may have something to do w/ my previous post. Please respond if you can help

Same Prob, did any one find a solution?

I had windows auto-install my onboard sound, but my computer still refuses to make any noise. Looked in device manager at the sound device "C-Media AC97 Audio Device" and there is a yellow exclamation mark next to it.

I then go to Add-Remove-Hardware and remove "C-Media WDM Audio Driver" and reboot. When XP reboots I get the error message about "cmicnfg.cpl", and of course still no sound working on my computer.



Considering that this thread was started almost 1 year ago and has been dormant for 8 months, you should start your own thread and post your question there. Being at the end of a very old thread, other members might miss you question here. Also- in our posting guidelines we do ask that members not add their questions to a thread already started by another member, regardless of any possible similarity in problems. Things just tend to get confusing when multiple questions are being asked and answered within a single thread.

Thanks :)

Same Prob, did any one find a solution?

I ihad windows auto-install my onboard sound, but my computer still refuses to make any noise. Looked in device manager at the sound device "C-Media AC97 Audio Device" and there s a yellow exclamation mark next to it.

I then go to Add-Remove-Hardware and remove "C-Media WDM Audio Driver" and reboot. When XP reboots I get the error message about "cmicnfg.cpl", and of course still no sound working on my computer.


Hi fpteixeir, welcome to TechTalk.

Your post is an exact quote of cevans earlier post; please read my response to that post concerning the need to ask your question in a new thread of its own.

Thanks. :)

Hi fpteixeir, welcome to TechTalk.

Your post is an exact quote of cevans earlier post; please read my response to that post concerning the need to ask your question in a new thread of its own.

Thanks. :)

yes, there is a way to get rid of this rundll error at startup. It is a simple fix. You simply delete the Cmaudio key under Run from the registry. To do this: open regedit->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Microsoft->Windows->CurrentVersion->Run. Now, in this folder you should see CMAudio. Delete it. This takes care of the problem. This will not hurt your computer in any way. What this does is prevent CMAudio from loading at startup. Sounds are still able to play after you delete this. If you sound card was working before you deleted this, it will work after. I don't know why CMAudio is loaded at startup because it doesn't do anything. Hope this helps!

Hi All,

Too bad I didnt search the net for this before hand,

Anyway, I have a Realtek AC'97 Audio (Onboard Sound), and I had updated to the newest driver a few days ago. I then went to Windows Update and saw a new download under drivers for a C-Media Audio. I downloaded the driver and restarted my machine. When it loaded back up I notised I didnt have anything for icons on my system tray, and my Speaker icon was missing. Confused, I restarted my machine again and had the same symptoms. Anyway I went to Add/Remove Programs and uninstalled the C-Media Audio driver and it wanted to restart. When I loaded back up I got that dang error message about cmicnfg.cpl. I went to Microsoft and tryed to re-download the driver to see if it would fix it, and of course it didnt. I went back to the uninstall and removed it like 3 more times and it said it uninstalled sucessfully, but C-Media WDM Driver still shows in add-remove programs??? Gawd, this is the second time ive downloaded a driver from windows update and had problems with it, and this will be the last time I ever download drivers from windows update. Anyway, thanks to whoever posted the registry fix for the error message but I have come here to kindly ask, what all does C-Media install, and how can I totally remove this (#&$%) to get my computer back to like I never installed it? Like, remove all the files it installed, get it out of my registry totally, and get it out of Add/Remove Programs?

(Sorry if I revived a old thread)

Please help, post any info you can,

Thanks in advance,

(Sorry if I revived a old thread)

Hi Wolfy, welcome to the site. :)

We do ask that members not tag their questions on to a thread previously started by another member (regardless of how similar your problem might seem). Not only does it divert the focus of the thread away from the original poster's problem, but it also makes it less likely that you yourself will get the individual attention that you need.

Please start your own thread and post your question there. When you do, please try to give us as much specific info as possible regarding the problem (exact error messages, system specs, etc.).

For a full description of our posting guidelines and general rules of conduct, please see this page:


Thanks for understanding.

Because the original threadstarter hasn't responded to this thread in over 1 1/2 years, this thread is considered abandoned and has been closed.

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