For some reason there is a windows installer window that pops up ike every 30 seconds, and its just a windows installer window that says preparing to install but as soon as it pops up on my screen it goes away and then opens another one, is there anyway I can get rid of this???

This only happens if Windows is trying to install something and this window will not tell you what is trying to be installed. Is there a program that you have tried to install that did not complete?

You can check the event viewer for an error that will have to do with a failed install by typing eventvwr.msc in the run box.

Is a windows installer the same as MsiInstaller???

yes it is.Do you break an installing program?When you get the window press the ctrl+alt+del and see the running programs and then you will see the pop up window's installer place,close the process.

commented: Great Post!!! Thanks for helping me!!! +1

I still have the problem, but the popup only popups maybe once every 5-10 minutes, and it popups so fast that if I'm not looking straight at my comp. screen then I won't notice it

I would install that but I can't because it says Error 1500. Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one

Turn off Auto update "but notify me of any new Updates". This option allows you to select which updates to load.

This is not an auto update!!!! its not even close to an automatic update!!!! listen!!! a window saying windows installer popups and won't go away its just closes and pops another one up!!!! nothing f***ing works i cant even type my password in on a website without having to close the window!!! my computer is pretty much inoperable cuz i cant do anything when it pops up!!!!! i cant even install anything!!!!! I can barely type right now!!! And I can't do anything till some1 on this website tells me what the hell to do!!!! And im not gonna reinstall y operating system or format anything!!!! just tell me what to do!!!!! how do i uninstall windows installer??? I've been to regedit and turned it off and that doesn't work i've tried everything but uninstalling windows installer but i cant find out a way to uninstall windos installer!!!! I've searched google but cant find a way to uninstall it!!!!!

Go into registry
Search for a folder called "BillingPayment". Its a separate listing and has a reference to an antivirus website inside.
Delete the folder.

Otherwise, in Explorer, search for a program called "Edonkey.exe"
Delete it or use your Anti-Virus program to quarantine it

listen!!! a window saying windows installer popups and won't go away its just closes and pops another one up!!!! nothing f***ing works
And I can't do anything till some1 on this website tells me what the hell to do!!!! !

with attitude like that you can stick it where the sun don't shine .
or take it to a computer repair shop that employs people to fix problem for people who don't know how to do it themselves !

Can you read what is on the popup? Any hints or snippets as to what it is trying to install?

Since you are on the internet and are responding to our mails, you some navigation ability. Maybe, if you use an anti-virus program it will stop.

Otherwise, turn off the firewall and anti-virus program and let it install then run the anti-virus program. The firewall icon and anti-virus program icon is (could be in the system tray (bottom-right corner) right-clcik to exit or disable.

That didn't work

Fix Windows Installer Error
Repair All Windows Installer Error
5 Star Rated - 100% Free Scan!

Fix Windows Installer Error
Repair All Windows Installer Error
5 Star Rated - 100% Free Scan!

i like free programs so i downloaded and ran scan ,but its not free ,you must pay 39.99 to fix errors , so you post is missleading as only the scan is free

try a free program like

and another Free program ,please follow instructions
.Download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware ( to your desktop.

* Double-click mbam-setup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program.
* At the end, be sure to checkmark the Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, then click Finish.
* If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.
* Download the update from here if you have problems.
* Once the program has loaded, select Perform full scan, then click Scan.
* When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results.
* Be sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected.
* When completed, a log will open in Notepad.
* Post the log back here.

The log can also be found here:
C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs\log-date.txt
Or at C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs\log-date.txt

Make sure that you restart the computer.

Fix Windows Installer Error
Repair All Windows Installer Error
5 Star Rated - 100% Free Scan!

I just copied and pasted this advert from this site because I couldn't think of anything else. It was in between the posts.

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