I bought my PC from Acer. It had Vista pre-installed. It came with no CD or anything else. I ended up uninstalling most of the Acer bloatware anyway.

But now I want to reformat my HD and install Vista afresh. What do I do?

(PS- I heard Vista users get a free Windows 7 upgrade. Do I need a CD for that?)

Thanks for reading. :)

(PS- I heard Vista users get a free Windows 7 upgrade. Do I need a CD for that?)
Thanks for reading. :)

You probably heard from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. With the recent announcement of a 22 Oct release of Win7, there will be a period of time (start of which is yet to be announced) where NEW purchases of Vista PCs will entitle the owner to an upgrade to Win7. But no free upgrade for older purchases.

When you bought your PC you should have made your own recovery disks for your operating system. You don't get CD's with Vista. you might want to check the software programs and see if you still have the 'create recovery disk' program and hope you can make them. it is supposed to be a one time only option.

1st: call acer and ask for the DVD's
I called gateway and they sent me 3DVD's in a week



buy a seagate or maxtor drive and use the clone software to make an exact copy of your current drive once you have it the way you want. I do this every few weeks, it takes 33minutes to clone a 320GB drive. I just keep fliping it when I play around w/ software.

good luck


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