I recently switched on my computer and my monitor wont work.
I am getting a message sayiing No Signal. Ive checked all cables and their ok, I bought as new graphic card and put it in computer but i still have the same problem. Can anyone help me with this problem. Ive checked the monitor with another computer and its ok.

How could you have put in a new graphic card without seeing anything on your screen? Was the original a built-in graphic card? If so, did you disable it in the bios? If you did then you had to see something on your monitor. Is it just windows that won't show or does it not show anything on boot-up also? I think more information would help a bunch in getting a solid response from the group.

How could you have put in a new graphic card without seeing anything on your screen? Was the original a built-in graphic card? If so, did you disable it in the bios? If you did then you had to see something on your monitor. Is it just windows that won't show or does it not show anything on boot-up also? I think more information would help a bunch in getting a solid response from the group.

When i turn computer on the monitor is blank except for the message saying no signal input. There is no onboard graphic card on machine I had another graphic card in the computer so i took it out and relplaced it with a new one. When i switched the computer on the monitor was blank again with the same message no signal input

OK, so when you took out the original card you replaced it with a new one correct? If it is possible (depending on the type of video card and slot) move the card to a different slot. If you do that and it doesn't work then I have no other advice. I recall a long time ago I had a similar problem and it turned out something with another card in my PC was causing the problem. I removed all my other cards and only left the video card in. When I rebooted it worked fine...than when I put back my other cards one at a time I figured out it was the modem. Since I used cat 5 for internet I just left it out. Not sure if that is your case but this is about all I can think of.

Come on group...any other advice here???

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