I'm running a Dell Inspiron 600m laptop with XP SP 2 (640MB RAM). Have had no problems up until very recently. When I open IE6 it will load and show me my start page, but then almost immediately quits/shuts down. Thank heavens for Firefox or I would not even be able to post this note. I know others advocate FX over IE, but I still do need IE for some appliactions. Have done all updates, Ad-Aware sweeps, SP updates, defrag, but I still get the same problem.

Feel free to e-mail me directly with any and all suggestions.
(please keep discussion on DaniWeb!). MANY thanks in advance to all.

but I still do need IE for some appliactions

Like what? All you need this thing for is windows update. And you don't get any hijackers/trojans there.

Try HijackThis.



There are a number of sites out there that have browser restrictions... you would see it more on the Mac and Linux, unfortunately, and even a couple of generations of DaniWeb had funny things happen too.

IE is evil, but some places, such as banks, or if you have particular installation needs into Windoze, IE is necessary.

You cannot, for example, manage a System Update Server (SUS) with Firefox. Novell doesn't care what browser, from what I can tell, with their stuff.

I would download AdAware, and load it, and get all of the updates. I would then boot into safe mode, and run the program a couple times, and get rid of any critters in there. I would then also look at a Spyware package, and scan them too in safe mode. After all that, then run HiJackThis. And then post into our Spyware, Viruses, and Critters forum (not sure if critters is in there, but it should be)


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