Has anyone ever heard tell of this. I recently formatted a pc (quad core, 3 GB ram, 500 GB HD) and every since when surfing the internet when you click on links the pages get smaller to the point that after 3 or 4 clicks it is so small you can't read anything? I have never seen this before but any help from you guys would be appreciated!!


What browser are you running? In IE it has a zoom percentage in the lower right corner.. see if that is changing when you click. It is also accessible under "View -- Zoom" and also check "View -- Text Size". I bet one of those is changing

I will check that to see if they are changing. But what would make them change like that. There should be no viruses or spyware of anytype since this pc was just formatted. Nothing has been dl'ed or installed since the format with the exception of AVG and SpyBot.

I have no idea what would cause them to change -- that would be the hard question to answer. Maybe if you a bad key on your keyboard or something like that? If you hit CTRL+move the scroll wheel on your mouse it will change the zoom key. Maybe you can sometime change the zoomkey to hook on the click event? I have no idea.

Lets confirm what the problem is then look for solutions :)

A simple fix would be to ditch IE and use Firefox.

A simple fix would be to ditch IE and use Firefox.

Maybe it wasn't clear ... was the OP asking for help installing an alternative browser or to fix his existing one? Also it isn't clear which browser he is using, maybe it is firefox?

So, are you saying I'm not allowed to offer advice??

So, are you saying I'm not allowed to offer advice??

firefox is not be all to end all .I use both ,because firefox has its problems too

firefox is not be all to end all

I never said it was. Why do people on this site keep putting words in my mouth?

All I am trying to do is help a few people out!!

Look at the way you phrase your posts:

A simple fix would be to ditch IE and use Firefox.

That makes you sound like a firefox evangelist instead of trying to offering helpful advice

IE has untold problems as we all know. Microsoft themselves admit it.

I couldn't even get to my very own site with IE but have never had the problem since switching to FF.

FF has it's problems for sure, but they are far less severe than those of IE.

It is pretty clear which browser he is using... " Nothing has been dl'ed or installed since the format with the exception of AVG and SpyBot."
Apart from lobbing that bomb into the ruck I have nothing to add...

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