Hi There,
I've been trying to trouble shoot a problem on my mom's computer. Her start menu is missing. However, when I logged onto my account on her computer, I could just barely see the menu on the bottom of my screen and was able to fix it by making the necessary adjustments in the video card settings. I figured I'd be able to pop over to my mom's account and do the same thing, but no. No luck there. When I start her computer in Safe Mode, the Start Menu is there. That's as far as I got into looking into it before I had to go home. Anyone have any ideas on what I should do the next time I go over to look at it?

I.Reduction system
II.Save the file and delete accounts has problems and create new account.copy files back.

right click on the desktop and go to properties,settings,and lower the screen resolution

right click on the desktop and go to properties,settings,and lower the screen resolution

Yep, tried that multiple times and it didn't help any. :-( If I have to delete her account, what all do I need to back up from it?

Yep, tried that multiple times and it didn't help any. :-( If I have to delete her account, what all do I need to back up from it?

that depends on what she has saved ,actually you be prompted to save file if you wish to,when deleting the acct ,it will save the mydocuments folder

Excellent! I think I'll head over there tomorrow and give it a try. I'll report back as to whether the problem is solved or if I still need help.

I love this site! :-)

I think that this is a typical case of virtual desktop or spawning screen. Try configuring graphic card settings to single display, and make sure that it is a display in use.

I will check that as well. I thought it was set to use just one screen, but I'll take a closer look before I delete the account in case that's the problem.


I will check that as well. I thought it was set to use just one screen, but I'll take a closer look before I delete the account in case that's the problem.


Maybe the "explorer.exe" had been modified~
try regedit

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

if this is correct ~~ just try another way to solve this problem~~

instead of going through a whole lot of adjustments first. Maybe you should try hitting the windows key or look on other sides of the screen sometimes people move the taskbar away from the original position. If thats not the case id have a look at the registry if its been edited

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