Hi folks. Hope someone can help me with this. After a few minutes of being on Ebay I lose my internet connection. We have not had this problem with any other site only ebay.This is a fairly new occurence. We have gone to Ebay semi-regularly in the past. I've run scan disk and defragmenter.

Platform: Windows 95 B (Win9x 4.00.1111)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v5.51 SP2 (5.51.4807.2300)

I am assuming you are using a modum. At what speed does it show on the icon in your task bar? Does the modum try to reconnect?

Yes, I am using a modum. I connect via AOL. So, there is no icon on the task bar but I have noticed that I connect usually at 28.8

Sorry. To the 2nd part, no my modem does not try and reconnect.

Unless you got an older modum, the speed is very slow and most probably the problem. Check your phone line connections between the computer and phone jack. It's best but not always possible to have just a jack for the computer only. Temporarly remove phones or whatever from the jacks and just run your computer. Try and find the source for your slow speed.
If you connect to EBay through another site, try to connect to them directly.
clear your "cache" in MIE (temporary files & History under Tools)

Thanks for the advice. It is an older modem that's for sure but the only site we have trouble with is ebay. We do a lot of surfing here and have had no problems with other sites.I'll clear the cache MIE.

I am not a pro but some Web sites aren't 100% with all browsers and with a large bandwith it can tie up your computers CPU.
Your memory might not be enough and for sure your modum is to slow. I would invest into a 56k modum. Also try not to run many more programs when you are cruising.
Another approach is run a progam like Ad-aware or Spybot incase your computer is tryin to talk to another website in the meantime. I am assuming your antivirus is up to date!

Another trick I use to do with a system like yours: I would create another connection through the wizard and name it differently then the one you are presently using. If that worked better I would delete the other connection and use it as default. I don't know why that worked but maybe the connection gets out of composure after being used for a while. :p

Harma can i suggest ditching IE and trying Mozilla Firebird? you should notice a big speed increuease. also its about time for a new computer if your still using 95b (USB SUPPORT!)

Harma can i suggest ditching IE and trying Mozilla Firebird? you should notice a big speed increuease. also its about time for a new computer if your still using 95b (USB SUPPORT!)

I use Mozilla as well and find it a wonderful browser/email program.

That's even a good test for you to try. Download Mozilla Firebird, (available from www.mozilla.org) install it, and then connect to AOL. Once you get connected, minimize your AOL window. Then, open up Firebird and go to eBay. If it runs just fine under Firebird, then we'll at least know that it's not a problem with the modem, but it's a problem with the AOL or Internet Explorer software.

Harma can i suggest ditching IE and trying Mozilla Firebird? you should notice a big speed increuease. also its about time for a new computer if your still using 95b (USB SUPPORT!)

Maybe you could get them one for christmas !LOL

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