helloooooooooooo .............
Compaq Presario v 4.90.3000 5wv280
128 mb of ram
32 bit
Amd Athlon (tm) 900 mhz processor
30 gb harddrive
ie 6 sp1 and internet tools
i recently got this pc. i went to play games at pogo and i got everything to work but the sound. i have sound everywhere else including nbc's online deal or no deal. when i went to use EA (pogo)sports "easy utility" and "driverguide" and "raydarsync" and ,and and they all say i need windows installer and netframework 2.
i came across belarc advisor and it states that i need UPDQ823559. i went to ms w updates , downloaded both seems like 1 million times and when i go back to ms or any of the sites listed they all say that i need both. I had also downloaded openwith.org.when it was going to download it stated that i needed the above and they could slip them in. welllllllllllllllllll nada...............i have been working on this for two weeks finding site after site and asking questions. reading suggestions from every search engine i have in my favorites. i finally found this site and hope that someone here can help me.
ps. neither are listed in my add/remove area. i am not sure how else to look for these in my system.