One of my clients went out and bought a cheap HP at Costco last spring which unfortunately has Vista Home Premium on it. It originally connect to the office network which is actually a domain without a problem. That is it couldn't log on the domain, but it was able to use network resources such as shared drives, printers and the Internet. Fast forward six months later and Vista-Home got corrupted taking and update and I was forces to do a HP Reinstall. So this time I go to connect it to the network via wireless and it wont accept the correct IP range from the DHCP servers instead of 192.168.10.x it's going with, which works fine for Internet but wont connect to network resources. If I try to force it, it drops the Internet. If I try to connect it via ethernet, it takes the default IP 167., etc.

I changed the workgroup name to my domain name, although don't recall that that mattered.
My user name is an authorized user on the domain and I'm using the same password as the domain logon
I have File sharing turned on
I have the network set to private.
I can successfully ping my 192.168.10.X computers

I'm pulling my hair out here. Upgrading to Vista Business is not an option, as I have to have this system working first thing for the engineer.


I was having the same problem but got it resolved by updating the windows and also the driver of network


I was having the same problem but got it resolved by updating the windows and also the driver of network

I thought of that too, but I've updated Windows and I used the HP reinstallation tool which installs the factory drive image with all the HP specific drivers. It appears the drivers are working since it's getting an address, just not in the correct range from my DHCP server.

Turns out it was the HP Wireless manager and another process called HP WAN Message Module. Both of these startup automatically. I used SysInternals Autorun to kill them off and the rest of the network showed up. IP is still a bit off, but they can print and use network drives.

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