My computer do not startup. I need to use a boot disk for me to able to start it up. How can I do that? I have the boot disk.


Could you be a little more precise please.

1. Does your PC turn on?
2. DO you hear your fans in the PC?
3. DO you see anything on your Monitor?
4. How far does it boot? i.e do you see the Windows screen with a blue bar going left to right.
5. Are there any error messages during the boot.

To Boot from a CD just pop in your windows CD into the CD-ROM drive, Switch on PC. at some point you should see "Press Any key to boot from CD" do so and follow on screen instructions.

If you do not see "Press Any key to boot from CD" then you will have to change you BIOS settings. See on how to do this.


My PC turn on. Fan in the PC is working. It boots until the Windows screen with a blue bar going left to right. But after that it restarts again.

The choices are:
Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Promt
Last Known Good Configuration
Start Windows Normaly

Whatever I choose it keeps on restarting. How can I fix this?

ok Switch on PC, put in your XP CD while PC booting.
Follow steps in my first post if your system is not booting from the CD.

When Welcome to setup appear you will be presented with these options:

To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER.
To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.
To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

Press "R" (without quotes)
You will be asked to select an installation choose your only option 1. C:\Windows and press enter on the password prompt.

At the C:\Window prompt type chkdsk /r. This will check your HD for errors.

After completion take CD out and type Exit, this will reboot PC.
If this does not work then it looks like you will have to re-pair the Windows Installation. Follow these instructions

Thank you very much for spending some time in helping me solving my problem. Until next time.

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