Hi. My brother recently got cable internet for his old computer. It is

an Inteva with Windows 98 Standard Edition. I believe this computer is 8

years old or so. It is a Pentium 2 , 300mhz, 196 MB of RAM computer. I

call this ancient. I had to install an ethernet card in one of the empty

PCI slots. I did this an installed the software. Then hooked up the

cable modem to it and it has activity between the 2. However, when I try

to connect to the internet it just won't do it. I was on the phone for

an hour with a tech support guy from Adelphia trying just about

everything. Mind you it was the cable company and not a Windows 98

expert. I'm guessing the problem lies within Windows 98 somehow. I

thought it might be because the computer had probably way too much stuff

in it so I uninstalled alot of the programs in it. Then installed a

program I found on the net call Advanced System Optimizer. I cleaned the

registry and all the other things it did. I also ran a scan disk for

errors and there weren't any errors. Then I defragmented. Still no luck

connecting to a website. I'm almost at the point of reformatting the

computer which I have never done before. I'm not sure the best way to go

about doing that. That computer came preloaded and the place I bought it

from did all the settings on it. If anyone has any suggestions on what I

need to do please let me know. I just want this damn thing to work. LOL

Hi. My brother recently got cable internet for his old computer. It is

an Inteva with Windows 98 Standard Edition. I believe this computer is 8

years old or so. It is a Pentium 2 , 300mhz, 196 MB of RAM computer. I

call this ancient. I had to install an ethernet card in one of the empty

PCI slots. I did this an installed the software. Then hooked up the

cable modem to it and it has activity between the 2. However, when I try

to connect to the internet it just won't do it. I was on the phone for

an hour with a tech support guy from Adelphia trying just about

everything. Mind you it was the cable company and not a Windows 98

expert. I'm guessing the problem lies within Windows 98 somehow. I

thought it might be because the computer had probably way too much stuff

in it so I uninstalled alot of the programs in it. Then installed a

program I found on the net call Advanced System Optimizer. I cleaned the

registry and all the other things it did. I also ran a scan disk for

errors and there weren't any errors. Then I defragmented. Still no luck

connecting to a website. I'm almost at the point of reformatting the

computer which I have never done before. I'm not sure the best way to go

about doing that. That computer came preloaded and the place I bought it

from did all the settings on it. If anyone has any suggestions on what I

need to do please let me know. I just want this damn thing to work. LOL

Hi ,try going to run in start .type in ,winipconfg , then pick you nic card from the drop down ,and click release all and then renew all .ok you way out ,and assuming you are try into use Internet Explorer ,open it see what happens ,if it didn't go online try this ,go to IE/tools /internet options /connections and check off never dial a connection if its not greayed out .

Thanks, already did both of those things before I called the tech support dude.

Hi ,try going to run in start .type in ,winipconfg , then pick you nic card from the drop down ,and click release all and then renew all .ok you way out ,and assuming you are try into use Internet Explorer ,open it see what happens ,if it didn't go online try this ,go to IE/tools /internet options /connections and check off never dial a connection if its not greayed out .

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