Bought an OEM version of XP Pro to install on a business computer that wants to be legal with their OS and software.

Formatted the HD as NTFS.
The installation cd starts OK but when it get to where Windows is supposed to load I get the blue screen and the error about not wanting to damage the computer with Stop: and some numbers at the end.

After doing some checking it seems that maybe the problem might be with drivers. The drivers on the installation disk are too old for the Dell XPS computer with 3.0 Ghz processor and 2 GB ram.

Am I supposed to put in the drivers when the installation gets to where I would hit the F6 button?

If so then where do I get them and how do I get them into the mix?


Someone here might be able to help you but your best bet would be to contact Dell and ask them what is required to install windows. I would have assumed that the PC would have come with windows XP or Vista installed.

Am I supposed to put in the drivers when the installation gets to where I would hit the F6 button?

If so then where do I get them and how do I get them into the mix?


sounds like you need sata drivers ,should be able to find them on dell site using the service tag, you will need to use a floppy drive to install them ,using the f6 on install, if no flloppy ,get one or use a program like nLite to created a slipstream disk with the drivers

Not HDD drivers or other are the problem(if the SATA drva re the problem will get error "no HDD found"). This it's happening after install or in time of installation? If it's after, try to format and install again; if it's in time of, try on other version of windows and send them a email.

Not HDD drivers or other are the problem(if the SATA drva re the problem will get error "no HDD found"). This it's happening after install or in time of installation? If it's after, try to format and install again; if it's in time of, try on other version of windows and send them a email.

your right missed that ,
did you format the drive with the windows oem disk !

Thanks everyone. I ended up talking with Dell after trying the slipstream route. (Slipstream didn't work.) Dell had me use the original cds that came with the computer. I still had to converse with a dell agent to get all the drivers that I needed.

But I am on the road to success.

Thanks again,

Hi again,
Good to hear you are on the right track. If you get it all working, please come back here and mark the thread as solved.


Dell had me use the original cds that came with the computer.

as would we ! had we known you had them,good luck

as would we ! had we known you had them,good luck

Actually I didn't have them but the customer did. I just hadn't thought to use them. I was just trying to get the OEM version to install and find out why it wouldn't.

The customer didn't have the driver cd that came with the computer from dell and that is the reason that I had to download the drivers from Dell. The Dell agent was very helpful and patient with me. I was having trouble understanding him what with his accent and speed of his verbage. Being from the south, I don't doubt that he has some trouble understanding me at times. Dell seems to have very good support.

Hi again,
If you get it all working, please come back here and mark the thread as solved.


At the risk of seeming dense, please tell me how to mark the thread as solved. I have done this on other forums but couldn't seem to find out how to do it here at DaniWeb.


Somewhere above where you type your comments there is a button "Make as solved' press it!

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