Thanks to Microsoft we have a whole line-up of Media Center Edition computers that are basicly Crippled version of the sony GigaPocket if you know what that is. Wow you can record wow this wow that... Microsoft is not being royal to its advanced users instead it goes for the money, the mass public. Just as what I expected. :cry:
If you do go out and buy a Media Center Edition computer be aware that it's made for very simple basic users. It records TV yes but in a DVR-MS file format which can't be read by anything, so it can't be edited or moved to other computers that can't read this special file type. Also the Media Center puts copy right flags on some of the TV programs you record and makes it impossible for you to do anything with them watch them. Just like I said, it's made for computer challenged people. The navigation is simple, you don't much of an option, can't control birghtness,contrast,type of file to be recorded to,can't control manual recording,etc. Basicly it's made for retards who loves over simplified computing. I am very disapointed at Microsoft, VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY DISAPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I bought a Media Center computer, I just can't I thought it'd like GIGA POCKET FROM SONY BUT IT AINT.