Thank you first of all for the opportunity to ask my question here. I have a Lenovo ideapad laptop with Vista Home and my question is how can I correct what appears to be a problem in downloading audio and video files but especially audio...if they download at all from a site...they play 1/3 thru and then buffer...any programs or ideas that may help???

Anyone may email me also at :<EMAIL SNIPPED>

Thank you first of all for the opportunity to ask my question here. I have a Lenovo ideapad laptop with Vista Home and my question is how can I correct what appears to be a problem in downloading audio and video files but especially audio...if they download at all from a site...they play 1/3 thru and then buffer...any programs or ideas that may help???

Anyone may email me also at :<EMAIL SNIPPED>

hi,we need a little more info,where are you downloading from ,do you have dialup or cable /dsl high speed internet connection

I had the same problem, I found the following solution at

Find the latest version of your driver, download it, uninstall your current driver and install the new one. After uninstalling the driver and reboot it to automatically reinstall it, the audio still may not work. Amazingly though, sometimes after putting the system in hibernate mode and coming back, the audio worked.

Hope it helps if it doesn't they have other suggestions.

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