A while ago I used to play a game called Halo alot (many months).

One day I came home and turned on the PC and was going to play it. When i got into game, alot of stuff were invisable such as:

My character

But I can see the maps, my cross hair and many other things perfectly...

I tried re installing the game many times, but it still will not work.
I uninstalled it completly and deleted all folders and then installed it again and still does not work.

I am using windows xp.

I play many other games without these problems such as all half life mods and half life 2.

I would appreciate any help given. Thanks in advance...

Feardubh Homie

A while ago I used to play a game called Halo alot (many months).

One day I came home and turned on the PC and was going to play it. When i got into game, alot of stuff were invisable such as:

My character

But I can see the maps, my cross hair and many other things perfectly...

I tried re installing the game many times, but it still will not work.
I uninstalled it completly and deleted all folders and then installed it again and still does not work.

I am using windows xp.

I play many other games without these problems such as all half life mods and half life 2.

I would appreciate any help given. Thanks in advance...

Feardubh Homie

sounds like youve got some kinda cheats activated. disable all cheats and try again.:)

I have never downloaded or even seen a Halo cheat. I think its a computer problem as in the past 2 months I downlaoded a game called ROSE.

I got into game and the ground was a see threw colour, and parts of my character were invisible...

No cheats, I don't use cheats.

I have never downloaded or even seen a Halo cheat. I think its a computer problem as in the past 2 months I downlaoded a game called ROSE.

I got into game and the ground was a see threw colour, and parts of my character were invisible...

No cheats, I don't use cheats.

Find out what make and model vid card you have and reinstall and or update driver.....if you have a built in card that is integral to the motherboard check your BIOS settings under AGP....make sure it is enabled and Video is CACHED!...if you are running win XP....go to system restore and reset to a time when you know the game worked right.....Mal...Tech From Hell....Upper EastSide ....of course....

Its a geforce4 mx440.
Drivers were and are updated.

Hmm... I'm not sure when exactly It stopped worken...

Moving this to the Windows XP section because this is not a 'dead machine' issue.

in the past 2 months I downlaoded a game called ROSE.

Downloaded from where? Perhaps that is the source of your problem. Also check for any updates to Halo which have not been installed. If the downloaded game has corrupted display drivers, directX and such you MAY need to format and start over to correct the problem.

I downlaoded rose off the rose web site and my friends downlaoded it from the same place the same day and it worked for them.

I cant even play campaign mode anymore. All the characters are invisible.
Even when i re install it to its origional way.

It makes no sence to me.

Sounds like there is a combination of driver corruption and a game that needs to be patched with an update. Again I'd suggest that a format/fresh install is the best way to address such a situation. Tracking down and correcting the specific source of the problem can be a lengthy and tedious job.

Maybe driver curruption but not a game that needs updating.

Everytime I installed it I played origional version and there were errors. Then I updated it and still didn't work. How would I fix a driver curroption problem?

By the way thanks all for trien to help me.

Maybe driver curruption but not a game that needs updating.

Everytime I installed it I played origional version and there were errors. Then I updated it and still didn't work. How would I fix a driver curroption problem?

By the way thanks all for trien to help me.

simply uninstall and reinstall your graphics card driver. this shouldnt be too hard to locate and may even be in your add/remove programs. it'll definately be in device manager under the display adapters tree.:-|

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