I'm not sure if this is the correct forum, so please let me know if there is another one that is more appropriate for this question… I have a home office/business and I'm using MS Outlook 2007 for emails. I'm trying to send an email that has a particular PDF file attached. For whatever reason, the email won't reach its destination if this specific PDF is attached. However, if I remove the attached file and send, the email goes thru. I have successfully been able to send other PDF attachments, but not his one. So, to figure this out in some creative ways, I tried to send an email w/attachment through a Yahoo account online, just to see if it is my ISP (IP address with Time Warner) or the company who hosts my company website (network solutions). However, even with the Yahoo account I cannot get the email w/attachment to reach any destination.
I'm perplexed. This is just a product datasheet in PDF format. I have sent it to many customers before with no problem. Also, I have not changed anything recently to this file. Can anyone figure this out? I have attached the PDF file to this thread. Maybe someone can try to send it to see if they see the same problem.
By the way, I find some other product PDF datasheets that wouldn't go through when emailed. The only common denominator that I can see is that these files have the letter "V" in the file name. But, how could this be the cause?

The problem seems to have fixed itself. The emails are now going through. I must have had something to do with Network Solutions new filter.

By the way, there is nothing nasty about the attachment. Just a product datasheet created in Corel. I've been sending this and others for a number of years.

check the outlook settings whether is ther any filter...

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