I'm trying to completely remove Norton SystemWorks from my computer (without reformatting).
I've already used Add/Remove Programs to uninstall it.
I ran the SYMClean utility (because I've had older versions of Norton on this computer), but it said there was nothing to remove.
I ran the SymNRT utility, and it ran for a few minutes then said it was finished -- it didn't say whether it removed anything or not, but to reboot to complete the removal.
Now when I go to regedit, I not only have a Symantec folder, I have a SymNRT folder as well.
Will it hurt anything to just delete the HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE\Software\Symantec and HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE\Software\SymNRT folders completely?
If I do searches for Norton and Symantec, can I just delete anything I find or can that cause problems? I've already backed up my registry (before uninstalling Norton, and then again afterwards).