Hi everyone,

My house seems to be using a lot of bandwidth recently and I'm trying to see if its becuase maybe someone else is stealing our wifi (which is password protected), more likely, one of us is using more bandwidth than we realize.

I was just wondering if anyone knew of a utility that could track bandwidth usage per user. Most of the ones i've taken a glance at seem to only look at upload and download speeds of your entire network.


If you are just using a basic consumer router, no, not unless you trust your users to install something to count sent packets on thier machines.

If you are running a gateway or proxy, that could be configured for monitoring and/or traffic shaping.

If you are just using a basic consumer router, no, not unless you trust your users to install something to count sent packets on thier machines.

If you are running a gateway or proxy, that could be configured for monitoring and/or traffic shaping.

nope its just a basic residential router (i.e. Rogers internet). I think i could get them to install sent packet counting software on their computer - as long as its free!

Even I face the same problem. I use wifi+ethernet modem for my pc. But I'm scared my nieghbours can access through my wifi service. I want to know can I switch of my wifi service. I dont is use wifi becuase I have ethernet system.

Even I face the same problem. I use wifi+ethernet modem for my pc. But I'm scared my nieghbours can access through my wifi service. I want to know can I switch of my wifi service. I dont is use wifi becuase I have ethernet system.

Why did you buy a wireless modem then? You know you can get plain wired-only routers (which are half the price).

Usually you can turn off the wireless functionality though.

Why did you buy a wireless modem then? You know you can get plain wired-only routers (which are half the price).

Usually you can turn off the wireless functionality though.

Actually my ordinary modem got spoiled thrice so next time they give me a costlier one thinking it can withstand my working capacity. Now this modem is good and works fine for me. But the problem is I want to switch off my wifi. But how?

On most store-baught wifi routers you can disable it on the management web page (type the ip of the router into your browser, and log onto it).

But on ISP-provided ones you generally dont have access to that.

Why did you buy a wireless modem then?

Poster is running a line just to spam the sig.

oops,not again

Hi guys,

I know it is a bit premature but I just listened to a podcast called "This Week in Startups" and the sponsor, a software developer called WebSpy, will launch a home and small network dashboard that will basically answer all your questions. They have an information page where you can register your interest and chance to get free version of the software once it is launched: www.webspy.com/soho

The free version thing was mentioned exclusively in the podcast.

I know I'm getting my hands on one

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