Help. My pc will not boot past the Windows xp logo with the green bar showing progress. It is an Acer quad core, 3 GB RAM, XP pro.

It will boot in safe mode with networking but I see no problems once I get in. The boot.ini is fine, I removed some spyware(didn't help). There are no obvious driver issues in device manager, and I can't get windows updates in safe mode.

Help please

look in the event log in the control panel are there any error messages? can you do a system restore to en earlier date from safe mode, something got corrupted, in safe mode goto start -> run type in cmd then type chkdsk /f y to agree to the yes no question then reboot and see if it will run checkdisk on reboot ?

Well your pc is good. I would suggest to repair installation or system restore. You said there were spywares you have removed. Is this spyware or virus could possibly corupted your system? Open it in safe mode and do some system optimization (if you have any pc optimizer software). If you can't open in safe mode, then repair or restore as I abovementioned.

hello, repair ur os xp, insert cd xp in cdrom and restart pc, boot from cd press enter after some time came the screen it showing three option, u press only R and enter, his asking which drive have os xp , u write c: press enter , type user password if have, last one is C:\windows> CHKDSK /R /P press enter now this cheking ur os file & repair ur o/s xp and its taking near one hour,,, after finish press enter and restart ur pc insha allah now ur o/s is working properly..

Hi sopono and welcome to Daniweb,
You have given the OP some good advise but you have your facts a little mixed up about what chkdsk actually does, go here and read about it... There are many other sites as well but this is short and simple. To repair windows from his CD, he would have to do a repair/install, go here .....
and you can read about XP repair/install there.
I hope the OP follows your advise and it fixes his machine.

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