To install Windows XP, i need "SMARTDRIVE"? I believe i'm supposed to type "SMARTDRV" as a command. I've tried this on drive "A:, C:, D: & E:" with NO success, i keep getting the following error message:

Bad Command Or File Name

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what i should do please?
Thank you for your time.

Oh my goodness no! What on earth are you trying to do? SMARTDRIVE is a Windows 3.1 utility!

For instructions about preparing your system and installing XP read this topic and the articles I've linked there:

That isn't an old Windows 3 PC is it? If so it is most likely not powerful enough to run XP.

Oh my goodness no! What on earth are you trying to do? SMARTDRIVE is a Windows 3.1 utility!

For instructions about preparing your system and installing XP read this topic and the articles I've linked there:

That isn't an old Windows 3 PC is it? If so it is most likely not powerful enough to run XP.

Smartdrive is used today to speed up the install process of Windows on certain PC's.

Take a look on google for a bootdisk that comes with smartdrive available.

However, most home PC's should not require smartdrive. Who told you that you needed it?

The only reason that I would see you needing it is if you are installing XP from the dos prompt, which is a long way around as XP has a self boot to install.

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