i have just intsalled windows XP PRO on my HP computer, and the screen can only go up to 640x480, can ne 1 help me fix it?

Hey man i reinstalled xy pro on my computer and then reinstalled home back on too it and my comptuer did the EXACT same thing, and i had to get help because i freaked out!

But instructions:

go to START > CONTROL PANEL > SYSTEM > and find device manager, there should be some things with yellow question marks, your going to have to reinstall all of them that ahve the question marks with the "devices" c.d that came with your computer. then whehn u fixe 4 or 5 of them whihc is how many should be screwed up restart computer and it will be good as new.


Kai, go control panel, system, hardware tab, device manager. u will prob find a yellow question mark or two. click on that device, go up to action, install new driver. u have the choice of downloading a new one from the web, or installing one that u have on cd or floppy. u can usually dl the latest from hte device manuf website also. u can also try the windows defaults, but obviously in this case they were not suitable. but your display should have a driver cd packaged with it.....

If you have a low cost LCD screen, that might be the best it can do. I found that out the hard way.

Thnx to u 3. i try but i dont have the original cd came with the computer. if i want to dl from the web, where can i go? i have hp pavilion 522n

Hi, i have just sucessfully reinstalled windows xp on a windows server 2003 and solved the problem of 640x480 screen under helps of catweazle ruth rimary.. and lot mroe friends. My new problem has araise..... its that my computer doesnt have any sounds. is it the problem with sound card or something? or can i solve it just like by solving the screen 640x480 problem by downloading the update version of graphic card?

it seems that you did not use the origenal recovery disc or partition (from HP)to reinstall your system, in most case, win-xp dosenot include the drivers of HP computer. you can go to the HP's website to download the drivers.graphic card,sound card, NIC,modem,eventhough chip driver.
use your comp model to search the drivers suit to you.

it seems that you did not use the origenal recovery disc or partition (from HP)to reinstall your system, in most case, win-xp dosenot include the drivers of HP computer. you can go to the HP's website to download the drivers.graphic card,sound card, NIC,modem,eventhough chip driver.
use your comp model to search the drivers suit to you.

hi,thnx. but i found the page, but it only got graphic keyboard mouse drivers, but not the sound card one. i went to good and still cant find it. i use 522n pavilion hp. can u help me find it plz? thnx again

Can any one find the website of downloading hp pavilion 522n sound drivers for me plz? i have went to many sites with no results.. Thnx

if you cannot find the driver from hp website, you'd better ask a friend help you. if you really want to do it by yourself,the following suggestion is not warrantee under this situation,but you can try to

1,try to download this file SP26412.exe from following address
double click it than choose save it, make sure open your virus scanner.
if this file is the driver you need . you are lucky.

2,use device manager update your sound card driver, select 'connect to windows update' to allow search from internet.

3, if the recovery patition is still in your hard drive, right click it and use "explore' open it(donot double click it,sometimes can openned), under 'hp' folder you may find the driver.

good luck

Check one other thing first:

Make sure the audio mixer isn't set with the sound all the way down. One program I installed (I forget which) did that during the installation.

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