My pc came with windows 7, is there any way in which i could switch it to windos vista?

My pc came with windows 7, is there any way in which i could switch it to windos vista?

if you have a copy of vista simply boot to it and install vista,you cant majestically change it to vista

Here's a thread that may help you out.

I have CD that I downloaded from a torrent that I downloaded because my Computer didn't come with a CD to go back to vista just in case I upgraded to windows 7..which I did. when I put in the CD to reinstall vista and reformat my hard drive, I says that windows is loading files and come to an error screen that gives me this

Info:An unexpected I/O error has occurred

You have downloaded pirate software and most probably you now have a machine filled with malware from that download.
No one here will give you any assistance with pirated software.
You have a legal copy of Windows 7 (or had one) but you can not download a legal copy of Vista.
If you still have (if you got them when you purchased your machine) the Windows 7 DVDs, reinstall 7 it is all you can do without buying a copy of Vista.

My pc came with windows 7, is there any way in which i could switch it to windos vista?

I`m puzzled as to why you`d want to. My laptop came with Vista and I nearly loaded Linux or XP in preference as the thing crashed every other time I used it. Instead I tried Windows 7 and a month later no problems. 7 gets my vote.


Win 7 runs as well or better than XP. I lived with Vista for 3 years and it is certainly not Microsoft's finest hour. Trying to go to Vista from Win 7 makes no sense.

Trying to go to Vista from Win 7 makes no sense.

I think you have that reversed, but I agree that going from Win7 to Vista is a bad idea.

People get what they pay for -- installing pirated software will get you a lot more than what you bargained for.

Hello caperjack,

You cannot downgrade from any higher SKU to a lower one just by using a key. You will need to do a full reformat since there's no option for downgrading, only upgrading (via Windows Anytime Upgrade). You however can still save profiles and settings by using Windows Easy Transfer, but unfortunately, you will need to reinstall all softwares you're using.
Hope this helps.

John M
Microsoft Windows Client Team

Hello caperjack,

You cannot downgrade from any higher SKU to a lower one just by using a key. You will need to do a full reformat since there's no option for downgrading, only upgrading (via Windows Anytime Upgrade). You however can still save profiles and settings by using Windows Easy Transfer, but unfortunately, you will need to reinstall all softwares you're using.
Hope this helps.

John M
Microsoft Windows Client Team

never said you could ,i only made one post here and its post #3 ,please re-read it and tell me where i said you could downgrade ,thank,CJ

Steps to Downgrade From Win 7 To Vista

STEP 1 – Locate Windows folder
The first step is to open the Windows 7 drive and locate the Windows.old folder in the drive. This is essential to change from Windows 7 to Vista and without it, this process would not be possible. Now you need to ensure that ample free space is available in the Windows 7 drive as all contents of Windows 7 is moved to a folder and the Vista contents from the Windows.old folder is copied.

STEP 2 – Reboot your PC
Now it is time to insert the Windows 7 installation disk in the DVD drive. Once this is done, reboot your PC. When the first screen shows up select your language, time and currency format and keyboard input method and click the ‘Next’ button.

Step 3 – Launching Windows7
Now the Install Windows window appears. Simply click on the ‘Repair your computer’ option to launch System Recovery Options dialog-box. You now need to select your Window 7 OS and click the ‘Next’ button again. Now you click on ‘Command Prompt’ to launch it.

STEP 4 – Move Windows 7 folders
In the next step, you will type the following commands in a serial manner and hit ‘Enter’ after typing each one of them. This action moves all the contents of Windows 7 to a new folder.
Md Win7
Move Windows Win7\Windows
Move “Program Files” “Win7\Program Files”
Move Users Win7\Users
Attrib –h –s –r ProgramData
Move ProgramData Win7\ProgramData
Rd “Documents and Settings”

Step 5 – Copy Windows Vista files
Again the same process is repeated with a different set of commands that are given below and this ensures that the contents from Windows.old folder are copied to the drive.

move /y c:\Windows.old\Windows c:\
move /y “c:\Windows.old\Program Files” c:\
move /y c:\Windows.old\ProgramData c:\
move /y c:\Windows.old\Users c:\
move /y “c:\Windows.old\Documents and Settings” c:\

STEP 6 – Restore the Boot Sector
You have to restore the boot sector of your Vista OS by giving the following command.
D:\boot\bootsect /nt60 c:

Finally type ‘Exit’ to reboot your PC.

We have used the installation CD for Windows 7 to downgrade your OS from Windows 7 to Vista as per your requirement. We recommend that you check the security settings of the newly installed Vista and install antivirus software to protect your PC from external threats.


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