My windows freezes up 2 or 3 times a day for about 20-30 seconds.I cant move my mouse or do anything else and when it does it disables my
printer untill i reboot and i get this error message in the event viewer.
The driver detected a controller error on \Device\CdRom0.
it tells me to replace the cable and i will when i can but i dont think that
will solve the problem. I reformatted my HD and it still does it.I also noticed a 100% cpu usage spike when this happens. any
windows xp home edition sp2
AMD XP 2800+
gigabyte 7n400-L
msi geforce 6600gt
msi cr52 cd/RW
120gig samsung spinpoint
sound blaster audigy gamer
corsair value select 1gig pc3200 RAM
enlight 420w PSU