I already posted this in the windows forum before realizing there was a forum for precisely this. Anybody who can help, please do.
Alright, this is fairly urgent, so if any of you could help me out, I would be very grateful. As of yesterday evening when my mother was using this computer, everything was fine. All systems and documents seemed normal. When I got on last night, practically every document on the PC seemed to have disappeared. This was limited to pictures and text files, and only the local ones I believe, as items in the shared folder seem to have been spared. In addition, no programs were modified by this. It was only the documents on the computer. This morning when I logged on, it gave me this message as I signed on to the profile for Owner:
Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt local profile. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator.
DETAIL - An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed unrecoverably. The registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry.
I don't understand what this means, or what I can do about it. If anybody can give me some advice, I would be unbelievably grateful. Thank you in advance for your help
Thank you very much.