Hi, I'm trying to install XP Pro on an older model computer I resurrected at work. I am able to boot from the CD, follow through with the whole preparation process, and I think I am partitioning correctly, but when I get to the end and it says that I have to restart to continue, I hit <enter> to restart, and it goes to a screen saying "Restarting windows" at the bottom. It then just stays there until I get angry an hour later and restart it myself. Then, after, I don't boot from the CD, and it just goes to a blank, black screen. Is there a common problem that could explain this? Is there a step I am missing? Anything would be appreciated.

try removing any pci cards in the computer before you install winxp

What are the specs on this "older computer"? Do we even know if it meets the minimum requirements for XP?

If there's a floppy drive attached ... detach it and try again ...

Make sure it has ram! I know this sounds stupid, but I actually managed get as far as you have on a laptop with no ram.

Make sure it has ram! I know this sounds stupid, but I actually managed get as far as you have on a laptop with no ram.


The computer won't boot if it doesn't have RAM. Are you sure the laptop you were working with didn't have some non-user serviceable RAM, like under the keyboard?

I've never had a computer get that far without RAM, and I've literally worked on or diagnosed hundreds of systems.

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