Folks -- I just today found this site and have a question about Win XP.

My Dell Inspiron 4000 Notebook running XP has started to lock-up (freeze) and sometimes goes to the blue screen of death. It’s possible that some files might have been corrupted, not sure. My question: can Win XP be re-loaded on top of it’s self with out losing or having to re-load applications or reformatting the HD? Win ME would do this and it saved me many times. Before trying with XP, thought I’d ask those that are smarter then me.

If this has already been posted/answered, please forgive me and point me to the answer.

Thanks for any help, Joe

Folks -- I just today found this site and have a question about Win XP.

My Dell Inspiron 4000 Notebook running XP has started to lock-up (freeze) and sometimes goes to the blue screen of death. It’s possible that some files might have been corrupted, not sure. My question: can Win XP be re-loaded on top of it’s self with out losing or having to re-load applications or reformatting the HD? Win ME would do this and it saved me many times. Before trying with XP, thought I’d ask those that are smarter then me.

If this has already been posted/answered, please forgive me and point me to the answer.

Thanks for any help, Joe

check link in this thread .

Thank you kindly for the info -- very much appreciated. This is a terrific site. Wonderful of y'all to be so giving and informative.


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