
Yesterday I followed a thread trying to learn to lock file folders using the cacls in the command window. I thought I'd use the "F:\songs" file folder in my "F:" as my target,....actually that folder has huge contents.....folder size may be more than 20GB..... I was able to lock it, but now I can't unlock it.

Here is the code that I used to lock it:
F:\cacls songs /E /P everyone:n
then it showed...

processed dir F:\songs

I could confirm that I was unable to access that folder......... So I then wanted to unlock the folder. I used the following code:

F:\cacls songs /E /P everyone:f

It returns : Access is denied.


what should i do now...i cant access that folder........please reply this soon..........

try this:

F:\cacls songs /P /G everyone:f

i have locked "abstract_image" folder of my E:\ drive using cacls command but when i try to unlock it using this command "E:\cacls abstract_image /P /G everyone:f" it display a error "Access Denied"

how can i unlock it

"E:\cacls abstract_image /P /G everyone:f"
I guess you didn't use quite that command string. Maybe=> cacls "E:\abstract_image" /E /P everyone:f
Did you lock it with=> cacls "E:\abstract_image" /P everyone:n ?
Try running=> cacls "E:\abstract_image" /e /r everyone
That will revoke the permissions of the everyone group. You might need the /c parameter, so => cacls "E:\abstract_image" /e /c /r everyone
Next, run=> cacls "E:\abstract_image" to see who has what permissions.
And edit them to suit your purposes.
Umm... are you an administrator, by any chance...?

Try this one:
Type CMD in Start Search. Right click on CMD and choose to "Run as Administrator".
In the Command Prompt window type the lines below and hit Enter. Confirm the command after.
icacls "C:\Users\Public\Public Desktop" /GRANT Everyone:F /T
If it gives you the same error you may need to MANUALLY add Everyone with Full Control on the target folder.

just download a registry file named take ownership and add it to registry then right click on the folder which you have locked and u'r unable to unlock and click on take ownership

i had been lock my folder use calcs cmd when i new window after then i use to unloack it going failed assisst me plzzz any one

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