Im trying to get some old files off of a hard drive onto a different computer. The old Hard drive contains data that I need. The system im trying to attach it to is a Win2000 Pro machine. When I add the drive on and assign it a partition letter it says that the drive is not formatted and asks if I want to format it. I dont want to becuase I want to get the data off it first. any ideas on how I can get the data off?

If you can, plug the old hard drive into another computer, then network the two computers and transfer that way.

Sorry no can do, the old HD requires a scsi 68 pin card to run and it only exists on the one machine.

o.k. i bit the bullet and went out and bought a scsi card same problem. in the disk management it says that there is no file system how do I assign it a file system without formatting.

Was this drive part of a RAID array? That's almost what it sounds like.

Was this drive part of a RAID array? That's almost what it sounds like.

From the best of my knowledge Im not sure because the server they came off of is old and dead. is there a way to tell fromt he jumpers? Also they came off a scsi connection so isnt that a bit before RAID?

From the best of my knowledge Im not sure because the server they came off of is old and dead. is there a way to tell fromt he jumpers? Also they came off a scsi connection so isnt that a bit before RAID?

SCSI and RAID work hand-in-hand-- many servers still use SCSI RAID controllers.

If Computer Management shows there not being any partitions/filesystems on it, it's very possible that you might have pulled a drive out of a RAID volume.

Where's the system that you pulled the drive from? If we knew the motherboard or SCSI controller model on that system, we might be able to determine more from that.

was raid even available back in the cycle of windows 98?

was raid even available back in the cycle of windows 98?

Sure it was!

I forget exactly when it was developed, but I know it was around, going strong in 98's era. It was pretty expensive, though...

Another thing I thought of-- there wasn't any drive compression software on it, was there? If so, you're completely out of luck, I'd about be afraid...

What file system (FAT32/NTFS) is the old drive and same for the new drive? If you are running 2000 or XP, what service pack?

Im trying to get some old files off of a hard drive onto a different computer. The old Hard drive contains data that I need. The system im trying to attach it to is a Win2000 Pro machine. When I add the drive on and assign it a partition letter it says that the drive is not formatted and asks if I want to format it. I dont want to becuase I want to get the data off it first. any ideas on how I can get the data off?

Sure it was!

I forget exactly when it was developed, but I know it was around, going strong in 98's era. It was pretty expensive, though...

Another thing I thought of-- there wasn't any drive compression software on it, was there? If so, you're completely out of luck, I'd about be afraid...

No compression but it was a RAID setup. Oigh anyone know how to pull data off a RAID Configed drive without having a SCSI RAID Controller card?

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