That we got as part of an Action Pack so we didn't receive any documentation with it. And of course, M$ web site is less than helpful with that. We've managed to figure out how to get it up and running and get online and get the networking figured out by hide and seek. But I'll be danged if I can figure out how or where to add our web site to it either externally or internally.

If anyone could help us by explaining this in ENGLISH it would be nice. Thanks, Liz

What package is it you're installing? What are we installing it on?

Server 2003 is an operating system. You install that, rather than installing XP, or 2000. Do you not already have a machine that is running 2003 server?

If you have one, and you've got IIS (the webserver) running, you'd put your documents in C:\wwwroot by default.

We have 4 computers in the house, 3 desktops and one laptop.

Desktop 1 is running Windows 2003 Premuim.
Desktop 2 is running XP Pro
Desktop 3 is running XP Pro
Laptop is running XP Pro

We have them all talking to each other as far as being online. But we can't see each other as far as the network is concerned except for MY ONE section of files on ONE hard drive of Desktop 3 and I have NO clue as to how I did that.

I need more help than I thought. LOL Liz

I solved that problem...

Now I have others.

First off a bit of background. I am the network admin/owner of a husband/wife small computer business. We build them and clean them of spywear but Windows Server 2003 is a new *animal* to both of us. We received it as part of the Action Pack so absolutely NO documentation came with it. And we are running the Premium Edition to get the full benefit of all the services so we can host our own sites. (We have 3) I understand Windows XP and other Microsoft software but this is my first exposure to server software.

I've mananged to muddle thru the installation process and add users and computers. And today we got the router for our static IP's. That's where the fun began. NOT!

All was well until I ran the Email and Internet Wizard. Then I lost the connection to the internet for the entire house as far as any browsers were concerned. Apparently we can still connect with the chat software.

The only way I can access only now is to unplug the server and plug my own computer into the router bypassing the server. But that leaves the rest of the house out of the loop.

Here is our set up:
*Priority1* running Windows 2003 Server Premium
*Blackbeauty* running XP Pro SP2
*Retreat* running XP Pro SP2 (my computer)
*Priority2* (a laptop) running XP Pro SP2

When I ran the wizard, this was the information I copied:
The local IP was
The Preferred IP was -one of the ones given to me as a static IP
The Alternate IP was -one of the ones given to me as a static IP
The device name is (NR 041)
Our address is
And our *.cer is https//

I can't get to come up on the ftp program using either my name (with full admin rights) or as administrator. I understand that until I have something up, it will come up as a blank page but until I do I should be able to go past that and go to another page such as and access it.

I need to 1) get the entire house back online and 2) get something up on the company site which means getting the ftp program to work.

And be as clear as possible, I know very little about all this and can't access anything from the server computer from online. So I have to do this by *remote control* as it were. Liz

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