hello everyone. I'm new here, so please tell me if I've posted in the wrong place. Here's my problem:
I have downloaded the latest version of msn messenger 7. I sign in to msn messenger successfully and then after about one second, messenger exits. When I move my mouse over the messenger icon in the tray, it disappears. Can anyone help me?
PS. I have switched over to Trillan and it works great, and that may be the alternative if you're having the same problem. I, however, need to specifically sign in to msn mesenger because of this: I, like many others, am having problems accessing hotmail. I need the Msn Today feature to know who has sent me emails so that I can contact them and notify them of the problem. I have important emails in there, and that's why I need to be able to use msn messenger 7. If you're having trouble signing in ot hotmail, this may be the alternative too. use the msn today feature to figureout who has sent you emails and use another account to send them emails and tell them that you hotmail account isn't working.