I am using Netscape 7.2 on Windows XP SP1.

Very often, when I enter a new URL in the navigation bar, or click a link anywhere (including my favorites list), the new page will open in the current window, but at the same time, a new window appears over it.

Usually, the site on the new page is google (my home page)

Sometimes it comes up with a netscape search page, saying no results were found for [random characters]

Other times it gives an error message that "the URL is invalid" before a blank window pops up with [random characters] in the URL bar.

I believe I've waited long enough to justify the following;

BUMP... Hello, anyone have any ideas?

First you really need to run spybot s&d and ad-aware , and a virus scan . then Go to msn.com and install service pack 2 from downloads and all updates you can from msn . service pack 1 on xp is out of date and is vulnerable to redirects. also go to control pannel click on internet and network options , then click on internet options and make sure the right home page is in the box on the first page, if not correct it. next check add and remove programs in control pannel and make sure "hot bar" is not installed if it is remove it. if you dont have a good working anti-virus program i would suggest avg-free. you can find all of the free programs through my website www.winddancersdominion.com on the freebies page. you may have found another spoofed google site.

It's very likely that your problem is caused by some form of malware and it's not recommended to get SP2 on an infected machine.

Follow the recommendations and instructions in the links below, and then post a HijackThis log in the Virus forum (not in this thread) to establish whether or not your system is clean.

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