Alright, im trying to reinstall windows XP on my harddrive. I have done it several times before without a problem. But now im trying to install it and it wont let me.
When I boot from the Windows XP cd everything loads, setup and all that good stuff loads, then I press enter to install a fresh copy. I hit F8 to agree with the liscense, then it tells me that it cannot detect a previous version of Windows and tells me to insert the installation cd, which is already in the drive. I took it out and reinserted it and pressed enter and then it tells me it cannot read the cd, and I have to turn off computer. I reformatted the harddrive so there is nothing on it.
I tried to run it on my mom's computer and it ran fine. I when through the prompts like I was going to set it up, and it did not give me that screen about "not detecting a previous version of windows". Can anybody tell what is going on, and how I can get it working? Thanks.