No its not number locked....

So recently i'v been having a on and off problem with my keyboard acting up. I'm leaning towards a virus, but can't find any other similar problems.

This issue....
Okay, so i'm trying to play "World of Warcraft".. and i can type/talk normally. But when i try to just press a key "to move" awds or any letter/number. It will try to imput in sequence 0-9.

I press the letter "A" "10 times" i get 0123456789
If i press asdf=01234

It doesn't do it all the times, and before i had the issue for some time... it would go away when i restarted my computer.

But now it only does it in "WOW" and only when i try to move my character around.... I ran a virus scan and it came up clean. I called the tech support for my laptop, they suggested a virus and wanted me to pay 39 bucks for them to check shit out, and 120 for virus removal... I said eff that, and am trying to figure this out on my own.

Thanks alot.

I'm inclined to agree with your tech support that it could be a virus. What I would suggest is for you to call Microsoft PC Safety Tech Support. I believe they provide free support for Microsoft Windows users. They will assist you in looking for and removing viruses/malwares on your computer. when you get to the customer service rep just tell them you're calling in because you suspect that your computer is virus infected, they should transfer you directly to PC Safety.

helpers are in great demand,keep up the good work ,but as to not wast time helping old post ,please check the date of the orignal post ,thanks

helpers are in great demand,keep up the good work ,but as to not wast time helping old post ,please check the date of the orignal post ,thanks

Crap, 2nd zombie thread i've dug up. I need to pay more attention to the dates. Sorry, haven't been posting here in ages. :)

Thought I had a problem with "sticky keys" but not sure. Have cordless Microsoft keyboard. Have problem with a delay in going from letter to letter, often having to hit a letter several times before it appears. any suggestions?

Thought I had a problem with "sticky keys" but not sure. Have cordless Microsoft keyboard. Have problem with a delay in going from letter to letter, often having to hit a letter several times before it appears. any suggestions?

maybe bad battery in the wireless device if there are batterys

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