Hello everyone. Does anybody have any knowledge of WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER they could help me out with? I'm having a little problem getting "mini mode" to work right. It's not important but it's driving me crazy...been trying tocorrect for two days. If anybody can help, I'd appreciate hearing from you


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Hi Barry.

Could you please let us know which version of Windows you run, so this can be moved to the appropriate forum section for attention?

Hi Barry.

Could you please let us know which version of Windows you run, so this can be moved to the appropriate forum section for attention?

Thanks for the reply. I am using Windows XP. I have tried Media Player versions 9 and 10, can't get it to work either way. A little history: I am watching live TV from hometown of New Orleans via live web feed via Yahoo player (google WWL-TV and it's the first link). It claims to be set up to play on Media Player 9 or 10. The first day, I got a message on screen inviting me to use a feature called "mini mode" which puts the live feed in little box at lower right side of screen permanently so you can work on something else and still see video. The FIRST time I got it to work perfectly per the instructions: point to open area on toolbar, click "toolbar" and then "windows media player". Since then, I just can't get it to work at all. I have no idea what I did the first time, but I surely can't seem to do it again.

Note the above description is when I try to implement mini-mode from the live stream via the web...the command prompts come up fine but desired response of mini-mode appearing in tool bar does not come up. I also have a copy of Windows Media Player on my hard drive. When I access that, I DO get the mini-mode screen to appear, but it is blank...I can't figure out how to get the live feed to appear in the mini screen as I was able to do the first day only. It occurs to me that if I can access the appropriate website via the WMP version on my hard drive, I should be able to access the feed on the WMP screen, but I can't figure out how to do that. It also occurs to me that what may be happening is that the WMP version that comes with the WWL-TV web feed is conflicting with the WMP version residing on my hard drive, and I might solve the problem by uninstalling the WMP from my drive. Problem is, I can't...I go to control panel and find the WMP program is not listed as an uninstall option.

So I am stumped. I would really like to view this webstream feed via mini-mode, I know it is possible since I did it the first day, but I can't do it again. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks.

Do you have Yahoo Player as a separately installed piece of software?

I don't. The detail you mentioned above didn't come up for me, and I was instantly and easily able to get the feed working in a browser window.

Making it small is quick and easy too. Regardless of your browser, alter the 'View' meny to remove staus bar and all toolbars, then adjust the windows size and park it in a suitable corner of the desktop.

Just make sure it's not the last browser window closed when you finish, or the altered layout could end up being set as default.

I suspect you might be having conflicts from too many media player type programs installed.

Thanks for the helpful reply.

No, I do not have Yahoo Player installed as a separate piece of software. However, I DO have Windows Media Player installed separately, and I agree with you that a conflict between too many media players. However, I have a problem: I tried to uninstall WMP but was unable to because, for some strange reason, the control panel install/uninstall list did not contain the WMP program. I also opened the program itself and looked for some sort of uninstaller, but could not find one. This is strange. Any suggestions??

Do you have Yahoo Player as a separately installed piece of software?

I don't. The detail you mentioned above didn't come up for me, and I was instantly and easily able to get the feed working in a browser window.

Making it small is quick and easy too. Regardless of your browser, alter the 'View' meny to remove staus bar and all toolbars, then adjust the windows size and park it in a suitable corner of the desktop.

Just make sure it's not the last browser window closed when you finish, or the altered layout could end up being set as default.

I suspect you might be having conflicts from too many media player type programs installed.

Try this:

* Download Media Player 10

* In Add/Remove Programs, click on 'Add/Remove Windows components'
* Uncheck 'Windows Media Player', click 'Next' and complete the process of uninstalling the feature.
* Run the WMP 10 installation you downloaded.

First, though, I'd suggest uninstalling other 'player' software you have installed and perhaps don't use.

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