I have a Dell laptop. Wirless connection through a router which is connected to cable. The connection worked fine until a few days ago and now when I click on IE it says cannot connect...webpage not aviable. My connection tab for my wireless connection is fine. But I CANNOT access the internet. I have windows 2000. My other laptop works on the wireless fine and so do my other 2 desktops!!



Please don't post the same issue multiple times. Post it once in the right spot.

You say that IE isn't working. Are any other internet-using programs (instant messenger, email client, online game, etc) able to connect?

SORRY!! New here and didnot know how to get rid of it...
NO nothing else will connect either!!

Please don't post the same issue multiple times. Post it once in the right spot.

You say that IE isn't working. Are any other internet-using programs (instant messenger, email client, online game, etc) able to connect?

Click the Start button, select "Run...", type "cmd", and click "OK".

After the command prompt loads, type "ipconfig /renew" (without quotes), and press the Enter key. The program may take a few seconds or a few minutes to run. You'll know that it is done when you see a new prompt waiting for input.

At that point, right-click the top part of the window, click "Edit", click "Select All", and then repeat the last steps but click "Copy" instead. After you have copied the text in the window, paste it in your reply. Please put all the copied text inside of code tags ([code]copied text
) so that I can read it.

IT says: The following error occured whne renewing yaspater Local Area Connection 5:an internal error occured. disconnect and reconnect the network interface or reboot the machine..so now I will reboot and see if it gives me a difffernt error

Click the Start button, select "Run...", type "cmd", and click "OK".

After the command prompt loads, type "ipconfig /renew" (without quotes), and press the Enter key. The program may take a few seconds or a few minutes to run. You'll know that it is done when you see a new prompt waiting for input.

At that point, right-click the top part of the window, click "Edit", click "Select All", and then repeat the last steps but click "Copy" instead. After you have copied the text in the window, paste it in your reply. Please put all the copied text inside of code tags ([code]copied text
) so that I can read it.

Try this, it might help...

Go into your control panel, click on Network Connections, then right click on Local Area Connection and choose Repair. I'm pretty sure Windows 2000 has this Repair option so that might help.

You can also this...
Click Start>Run> Type CMD
In the DOS window type IPCONFIG /Release
Then type IPCONFIG /Renew

You might get lucky and have this work for you ;-)

lol, too slow on my end.

Ok I rebooted and reset my modem and ran the ipconfig and got this:



Click the Start button, select "Run...", type "cmd", and click "OK".

After the command prompt loads, type "ipconfig /renew" (without quotes), and press the Enter key. The program may take a few seconds or a few minutes to run. You'll know that it is done when you see a new prompt waiting for input.

At that point, right-click the top part of the window, click "Edit", click "Select All", and then repeat the last steps but click "Copy" instead. After you have copied the text in the window, paste it in your reply. Please put all the copied text inside of code tags ([code]copied text
) so that I can read it.

I got it working for now....it was connecting to some other service then mine..i switched the channels one by one and it finally came up... THANKS SO VERY MUCH TO ALL OF YOU!!!! :lol:

Try this, it might help...

Go into your control panel, click on Network Connections, then right click on Local Area Connection and choose Repair. I'm pretty sure Windows 2000 has this Repair option so that might help.

You can also this...
Click Start>Run> Type CMD
In the DOS window type IPCONFIG /Release
Then type IPCONFIG /Renew

You might get lucky and have this work for you ;-)

I got it working for now....it was connecting to some other service then mine..i switched the channels one by one and it finally came up... THANKS SO VERY MUCH TO ALL OF YOU!!!!

Click the Start button, select "Run...", type "cmd", and click "OK".

After the command prompt loads, type "ipconfig /renew" (without quotes), and press the Enter key. The program may take a few seconds or a few minutes to run. You'll know that it is done when you see a new prompt waiting for input.

At that point, right-click the top part of the window, click "Edit", click "Select All", and then repeat the last steps but click "Copy" instead. After you have copied the text in the window, paste it in your reply. Please put all the copied text inside of code tags ([code]copied text
) so that I can read it.

One last question... how to I enable SSl encryption? I went to IE then advances and the boxes are checked but I still cannot view certain websites

Click the Start button, select "Run...", type "cmd", and click "OK".

After the command prompt loads, type "ipconfig /renew" (without quotes), and press the Enter key. The program may take a few seconds or a few minutes to run. You'll know that it is done when you see a new prompt waiting for input.

At that point, right-click the top part of the window, click "Edit", click "Select All", and then repeat the last steps but click "Copy" instead. After you have copied the text in the window, paste it in your reply. Please put all the copied text inside of code tags ([b][[/b][b]code]copied text[/code][/b]) so that I can read it.

There isn't anything to do in order to enable it unless you had accidently disabled it (which it would seem that you haven't). What websites are you having problems with?

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