So I've been looking online for a solution to a problem like the ones you are describing, I've deleted the lower class filter in regedit and rebooted, nothing, then went to device manager like a lot of tutorials say to do but here is my problem, my Cd-drive doesn't even show up on device manager it's completely gone, seeing as this is a laptop does any one have any idea what to do??

Well thanx for the advice but i got it, it started fixing my over 4000 problems and stopped at 20 saying i need to buy the full version to delete any more than 20. FML

Wait never mind it just started another thing thnx a lot!

Well thanx for the advice but i got it, it started fixing my over 4000 problems and stopped at 20 saying i need to buy the full version to delete any more than 20. FML

not sure what you mean, its just a free windows fix nothing to buy

ok well it turns out that my computer has deeper problems then i thought, the program said that there was no disk drive to be found meaning that the disk drive is some how disconnected inside of my laptop and seeing as i don't want to take it apart to fix it i will just have to make due without it thank you anyways

ok well it turns out that my computer has deeper problems then i thought, the program said that there was no disk drive to be found meaning that the disk drive is some how disconnected inside of my laptop and seeing as i don't want to take it apart to fix it i will just have to make due without it thank you anyways

yest best left alone or to the professionals ,external ones are relatively cheap,good luck

See if you can take the drive out and put in an external enclosure (cheap) and see if it will work on another computer. It should just booty and open right up as if you had a normal external hdd you bought.

It should just booty and open right up as if you had a normal external hdd you bought.

Hello, its a dvd rom not a HDD

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