My wife's laptop runs Vista and suddenly, for now apparent reason, opening Explorer fragments the desktop, itself and all programs running. Nothing is controllable or visible except in flashes of fragments that appear all over the place. Switching off and rebooting sort the problem until Explorer is opened again. If there is some corruption in Explorer it is possible to uninstall it and download a fresh version?

. If there is some corruption in Explorer it is possible to uninstall it and download a fresh version?

yes its possible ,did you try another browser like Google chrome or Firefox to see how they behave

Firefox works fine.

as far as ie8 goes some computer have problems with ,i would suggest going back to ie7 if you really need to use IE

What sort of problems? After a couple of reboots i.e. 8 is working again fine. I now can't create the mess the desktop was in - fragments of it all over the place.

i cant be specific ,just over time i have read a lot of post about people having problems ,and a friend who works daily at install windows on customers computer has problems with it on a lot of computers[he has to go back to ie7] ,mostly running xp and vista

fragments of it all over the place.

that almost sounds like a video problem ,and or memory problem ,computer ram or video cards ram

I'm actually stumped with it. On rebooting I ran a check on the memory, drive etc and also scanned for a virus but found nothing.I would know where to start to check for video problems. The problem may, I stress may, be connected with sleep mode, coming out of it. Of course it may not but I haven't yet found a clear pattern to its occurrence. Could IE 8 cause such problems even when it is not running?

. Could IE 8 cause such problems even when it is not running?

my opinion is no it would not ,but you have to remember it is a cpu /ram intence program now ,with so many plugins and ie ,go to tools,manage addons ,and disable them and see how it works

I'll try that but right now it is behaving itself and not causing problems. However, I'm still keen on the idea of uninstalling IE 8 and settling for IE 7.

Thanks. I'll see if this works.

good luck

I've sorted it out by going back to an earlier restore point. I think the problem was the bad uninstallation of a programme which corrupted everything. I think I will leave things as they are now but remove IE8 if I have any further trouble. Thanks for all your help.

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