Well in windows 7 I know there are built in drivers for audio and video

but in my laptop since I have installed windows 7(ultimate) , when ever I play any audio file it plays with some scratches sounds in it , where ever if play some game then the sound is OK....

now can anyone tell me what can I do in this case

Is there any need to install some drivers for my audio files to work OK

OR any other way to solve the problem


You haven't even said what laptop you have! Did you install windows 7 yourself or did the laptop come with it pre-installed?

We can only work with the information YOU give us!

I am using lenovo s10

It came with windows xp sp2 (Home edition)

i installed windows 7 my own

Ah, a fellow Lenovo user. I have an x61.
Are you using windows 7 32bit or 64bit?

I am using windows 7 32bit ....

It could be your song corrupted. Are you playing from a CD or mpeg file? If it is CD than check the CD/DVD drive is clean. If it is an mpeg file than you may want to download again and try.

Go to the lenovo and download the audio driver from there. If there isn't a windows 7 one available, download and install a Vista 32bit one and that should work fine!

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