My computer keeps crashing! I have Windows 7 (it was Vista but I upgraded it) It has a new motherboard, graphic card and new Ram, all changed to see if it would stop it from crashing. Been back to makers but they could not find anything wrong with it. IT has been to another computer maker they put in new graphic card and said that would fix it. It still blue screens on me all the time. It comes up with different BCCode code each time. I know it has lost the Tornado Tunnelling drive as that comes up all the time when I scan it in troubleshooting.
The last crash had this as the info
OS Version:6_1_7600
Service Pack:0_0
IF anybody could help me I would be very grateful.

Check the system logs in even viewer for anything unusual. Right click on Computer, go to Manage, click on the event logs. Look under System for any errors and warnings.

Check the system logs in even viewer for anything unusual. Right click on Computer, go to Manage, click on the event logs. Look under System for any errors and warnings.

And what do I do then? I'm only a beginner with the inside of computers. I did this and there are a lot or errors. I also had a warning yesterday that my dirve for my graphic card was not working but it fixed it's self. I thought it better to go to the web page of Nvidia and download a new drive. Have now done this.

Sorry but can you go into more detail for me?


Well, under the system logs, you should be on the lookout for any red icons. If you open them, you should see some information and an event id number in regards to the error.

Post some of that info here.

It would help if u gave a little more info about your pc. Such as cpu, motherboard, which version Win 7 ( 32 or 64 bit), how much ram, etc.

try to reassemble ur hardware parts. mainly adjust ur ram. i guess its a temporary solution but surely will give u some relief

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