I have two laptops one that I just got fixed... the other one was given to me to try to fix...
I unfortantly don't have a internet box for more then one computer so I unplug the internet the proper way. Well the laptop keeps saying ( Limited or no connectivity- You might not be able to acccess the internet or some network resourcs.This problem occurredbecause the network did not assign a network address to the computer (repair Local area connection- windows could not finish repairing the problem because the following action cannot be completed Renewing your IP address for assistance, contact the person who manages your network)
I looked it up and did this TCP/IP stack repair options for use with Windows XP with SP2/SP3.
Start, Run, CMD to open a command prompt:
In the command prompt window that opens, type type the following commands:
Note: Type only the text in bold for the following commands.
Reset TCP/IP stack to installation defaults, type: netsh int ip reset reset.log
Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults, type: netsh winsock reset catalog
Reboot the machine.
but it didn't work.. >.>' any hints