Hello all.

Right, how do I permanently delete the 'links' section in my favourites dropdown menu?..I HATE IT AND SO I DELETE IT,BUT IT ALWAYS COMES BACK TO GET ME

Try going to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites\Links & delete it there, changing the directory to whatever you have your OS on. I do not know if this will work, haven't tried it. Windows may just recreate it at restart.

follow these directions you will not have that problem again.

1. Start /Run ,type in ,regedit, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
2. Locate the string "LinksFolderName", right click on it and select modify and set the value to a blank string.
3. Exit regedit
4. Now delete the Links folder

follow these directions you will not have that problem again.

1. Start /Run ,type in ,regedit, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
2. Locate the string "LinksFolderName", right click on it and select modify and set the value to a blank string.
3. Exit regedit
4. Now delete the Links folder

I found a more long winded answer just seconds before you posted, but your instructions were easier to follow...You've fully made my day, that's been bugging me for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages :cool:

personially i love the links option and use it daily

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