Ok i have been getting a BSOD after a fresh clean install of windows XP the error says it was caused by the file nv4_disp. Now i reserched the error to find that it ussally has somthing to do with the video card. And MS support said to disable hardware accelerion. I did, but now i cant play games :(. So i thought that maybe someone here has had this problem and knows a specific fix. Yes i have the latest vid drivers. (Nvidia 6200 TC). Maybe i should unistall it and just try the driver windows puts on it? Any ideas would be great!



it ussally has somthing to do with the video card

Yes, the nv_disp.dll file is a component of NVidia's video driver software.

Maybe i should unistall it and just try the driver windows puts on it?

Yes- see what happens when you do that.

Can you give us the full and exact text of the particular BSOD error you are getting please?

Yes, the nv_disp.dll file is a component of NVidia's video driver software.

Yes- see what happens when you do that.

Can you give us the full and exact text of the particular BSOD error you are getting please?

Hmmm this is the tech error thats all i wrote down. I will unistall it if it continues.

tech Error

0x000000EA (0x85E71280,0866EE918,0xF7A4BCB4, 0x00000001)

Now this is one of eleven BSODS i have had since the reinstall. I determined the other one were from my wieless card. But i got that sorted out :).

Alos would my minidump text thing help?


minidump contents won't help me, as I don't have the tools to analyse them. The problem you're having is definitely a well-documented bugger though, and I haven't seen anything to indicate that it's truly been dealt with yet by MS or NVidia.

I don't know if it will help (or if you've seen this before), but this site has some suggestions and workarounds:


commented: Very Helpful, thanks :) +1

Thanks man, I havnt seen that site and didnt see anything to helpful. Some of the links are broken to. But thanks anyways. Maybe i should take it to my manufacturer and see what they say?


Thanks man, I havnt seen that site and didnt see anything to helpful.

So you tried the suggestions under the "What can we do???" section but nothing helped?

Yea, There wasnt much i hadnt tried. Maybe ill fiddle around in the bios. The drivers they were talking about there were extremley old...i think


Yes, try the BIOS settings. Also- look for newer versions of the drivers and try those if they exist. The drivers referenced on that site probably are out of date by now; I don't think the site was updated.

Yes, try the BIOS settings. Also- look for newer versions of the drivers and try those if they exist. The drivers referenced on that site probably are out of date by now; I don't think the site was updated.

Will do thanks DMR :)


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