
Ok, I redone my multi-boot system and pre this, i copied all my data folder's to external drives.

Now in Vista or WIn7, I get, you need Admin permission.

Not only that, when I say yes to the above and then try to edit files in that folder like .ini it doesn't allow me to save over the exisiting.

Do I need to reset owner of these folders and file's? and if I do, how?

I thinking it maybe UAC as I am sure I never used thaton Vista and disabled it.


You mean when you edit the file but you can't save it because you do not have the permission. Change the adminstraor settigns and make yourself become the admin, if you had reformat your laptop, and create a new account, that new account already have admin rights and root user. Root user allow yourself to change file permission so other accounts on your laptop cannot edit the file. Have you restored the file properly, file not resore properly don't allow you to edit them. Tell me the steps you have done so far and what methods have you use so i can provide you with other methods. Did i confuse you?

usually happens when backing up files from a computer user that had a password !

try right click on folder ,go to properties/security /advanced ,and change permissions to add the new you ,should be in a list on the screen

As explained in my post
I copied a folder called Email Back to an External USB Drive

I put in a new Harddrive and doen a clean install.
I installed say my email package, which all I have had to do in the past under WInXP was, rename the new folder the install created and then copy the backup to same location.

So say Email folder from external drive to C:\program files (86) (under Vista) .

But when I tried editing the ini files as I needed to tell it where the correct email accounts are, it wouldn;t let me save, I then saved to Documents and manuall overwrit them.

If I launched my Emial package it said, Access Denied.

My Admin account had a 1 (I think on the old install) after the name e.g Work1 but on the new install my I called the account Work as my Admin account.

I was asking, how do I give myself admin ownership of all the files and folder under the Mail folder on Vista ?

As explained in my post
I copied a folder called Email Back to an External USB Drive

I put in a new Harddrive and doen a clean install.
I installed say my email package, which all I have had to do in the past under WInXP was, rename the new folder the install created and then copy the backup to same location.

So say Email folder from external drive to C:\program files (86) (under Vista) .

But when I tried editing the ini files as I needed to tell it where the correct email accounts are, it wouldn;t let me save, I then saved to Documents and manuall overwrit them.

If I launched my Emial package it said, Access Denied.

My Admin account had a 1 (I think on the old install) after the name e.g Work1 but on the new install my I called the account Work as my Admin account.

I was asking, how do I give myself admin ownership of all the files and folder under the Mail folder on Vista ?

really ,i re-read the first post and only thing i see explained was try to rename a ini file or something ,you just refer to it as saved data ,nothing about it being saved emails from a specific email program .

you don't mention what email program you were using in vista and if it the same one in win7


It doesn't matter what the file is or belongs to as you missed the point completely.

Could be a anysys.ini, settings.ini for anyone's sake, the issue is, I need to know how to reset all the folder and file permission's so I do not get any issues with the rest of the folders and files I have yet to copy back.

To make sure you understand my first post, I clearly said, I copied all my data folders and refered to a file like .ini.

I could easily have said .txt or .doc but there was no need to list all the file extension's as it's a permission's issue.

I have had this issue with 2 - 3 folders and files under them.

You make yourself admin by using another account that has admin ownership and make your account admin if not we have to try other methods. Currently, who has the rights to edit and save the 2-3 folders and files?


How do I find who has the Admin rights?

I thougth since my account was the Admin account, i should have all the rights to anything.

Let me check.

Ok I went to advanced security seetings and did replace all existing inheritable permissions.............

I don't get an error while lauching or editing a file now.

I did this for the Admin user ( which is my user account name).

gonna try on another folder, but was this ok to do?

sure it was ok to do ,you are an admin ,but if your right click on most icons you will see "run as administrator "this is considered upper lever admin permission ,and when used it will eliminate the message about not having admin rights

win7 has a hidden admin acct ,

in winxp it was visiable when you went in safe mode or looked in the users folder on the c:\ drive .


I was use to WinXP, but Vista seems to do things different.

I am sure I disabled UAC as previously said, before I redone the machine, and had never had an issue with copying folders and files back.

I copied my MovieMaker folder back under program files (86) and have issues still.
If I add my account name with Full Control, I can edit xml files, but if I right click on the main folder and give Administrators , the replace all existing inheritable permissions............. It gives errors on some files.

I need to get my head around how permissions work on Vista, as I compared another file in the folder, and the onlything different seems to be, there wasn't my account name user in there.

Surely I am an Admin in that group, so not sure why it make a difference.

i do computer repairs for friends and family ,and have had a lot of problems accessing saved /backedup file off there troubled hdd before formatting and reinstalling windows ,some i could never get ,for me most of this is just trial and error ,sorry i don't have an answer for you

Sometimes when backing or restoring a file, some files can be corrupted and went you backup to another laptop, you will find that you can't edit it. This only occur rarely. Many accounts can be admin but admin have limited permission also, root user is the highest ranking. It can edit and change the file permission so that even admin can't edit the file. I think i am confusing everybody. Which files on which computer are you having trouble with it. Which os, vista or winxp?

I was having trouble under Vista, but seem's what I did before is working Ok, but just odd to me, as I never had this issue before.

Most of the folder's were from Program files (86) and it seemed they have additional security Trustedinstaller.

I only really use Win7 for Games at the moment, so if restoring my saved games is an issue, I can always replay the game, and unlock the level's again.

I would check if I could edit the folder's/files under Win7 but I didn;t want to complicate this, by Win7 Account's then adding security to them.

Is there a utility or command which restores the default permissions?


When I mean backup I do not mean Windows Back or a Util.
I simply just copy and paste the folders or files I need to an external drive.

I am the only one using the Machine and the Backup account, as yet I not used. I always create two accounts, just incase the main one has issues.

All I have done is, format, install the OS's. Then copied back the folder's/files I needed.

When I mean Edit, I mean, I goto the .ini file or .xml and edit it, then click save. It comes up with can not create file...............Make sure path etc is correct.

I will turn off UAC as I am sure, I never got these messages before when it was turned off, under the old install.

Turning off UAC doesn't give the edit issue's.

Maybe after you edit the file, it is no longer recognise thus the computer/ laptop won't allow it to be edit or save. In your case save the file. Maybe the file format is wrong have you try that before?


As explained, it's a Permissions issue and not bad files or folder's.

In my last post, I said I turned UAC off again, and no issues.

I will stick to this as it seem's to work.

Just a thought, I wonder if the possible cause was, I copied my file's to an external drive with WinXP or Win7 and for some reason, Vista is complaining while copying these files back.

i never used vista,so i have to ask ,does it like win7 offer the run as administrator when you right click on a programs icon,if it does,turn UAC back on, right click the icon of the program you are using to edit the file ,and chose the run as admin,using the FILE/Open on the toolbar],and edit and save file ,see what happens


It has Run as Admin, but I just goto a file and do Right click edit, mainly these open in Notepad.

I have added my User account name in Security settings for the files which still had an issue e.g JoeBloggs , and this is allowing me to edit the file and save it.

i understand you just click on the file to open it .i just thought that maybe if you tried it the other way it might work for you

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