
I'm hoping someone can help me.

I have an account on an Exchange 5.5 server, using Outlook 2003 locally.

The user is complaining of an intermittent issue where all the contacts which are stored under the Global Address Listing seemingly disappear.

The user does not have the Cached Exchange Contacts setting activated, and this is the only user in a large enterprise experiencing this problem.

Although restarting the Outlook and/or the local system resolves the issue, this is an unsatisfactory resolution since the problem has been recurring several times.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the topic.


Other people are using Outlook 2K3 on Exchange 5.5?

Why dont they have cached exchange mode enabled? Try it! Check the box and see what happens you shouldn't have those issues after it's checked. As Cached Exchange mode is the default it wouldn't suprise me that this person unchecked it and Outlook is just wigging out.

Other people are using Outlook 2K3 on Exchange 5.5?

Why dont they have cached exchange mode enabled? Try it! Check the box and see what happens you shouldn't have those issues after it's checked. As Cached Exchange mode is the default it wouldn't suprise me that this person unchecked it and Outlook is just wigging out.

Thanks for replying.

Upon further research, we have found that this anomally only seems to apply to users who are operating in an AD environment using Windows XP SP2 while using the resources of a non-AD Exchange Server 5.5.

I have a concern with using Cached Exchange Mode on a LAN/WAN simply because of the load on network resources everytime our uses log in.

Thanks again for your help. You have confirmed my suspicions and I can now press ahead.

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