I recently bought a new hard drive and installed Windows XP ( SP2 ) for the 1st time ( I'd previously used W.98 ).
Everything seemed fine until I started to load programs. Nothing starts up when I insert a disc into the DVD drive and when I go into my computer and click on D drive to open the software from there all I get is variations on the theme of:
Setup.EXE - entry point not found.
'the procedure entry point ( x ) could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll'
On reporting the problem the info supplied seemed to suggest that the problem may lie with a temp internet file. However I have deleted these and the problem is still there.
Any ideas?

The various messages I’ve had are:

Setup.EXE - entry point not found.
the procedure entry point ………could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll'

Diskstart.EXE - entry point not found.
the procedure entry point ………could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll'

Launcher.EXE - entry point not found.
the procedure entry point ………could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll'

I recently bought a new hard drive and installed Windows XP ( SP2 ) for the 1st time ( I'd previously used W.98 ).
Everything seemed fine until I started to load programs. Nothing starts up when I insert a disc into the DVD drive and when I go into my computer and click on D drive to open the software from there all I get is variations on the theme of:
Setup.EXE - entry point not found.
'the procedure entry point ( x ) could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll'
On reporting the problem the info supplied seemed to suggest that the problem may lie with a temp internet file. However I have deleted these and the problem is still there.
Any ideas?

The various messages I’ve had are:

Setup.EXE - entry point not found.
the procedure entry point ………could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll'

Diskstart.EXE - entry point not found.
the procedure entry point ………could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll'

Launcher.EXE - entry point not found.
the procedure entry point ………could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll'

Some times the problem can be with the hardware. Like u said u bought a new HDD.

try changing the IDE Cable.

These are the problems i faced due to faulty IDE cable
1. ntldir file missing
2. config.sys file missing
3. disk error

The moment i changed the IDE cable the system working fine till date

Have u tried reinstalling windows.

Also try running the program by right clicking the setup.exe and click run as... and click on ok

thanks for that = will give it a go tomorrow - have to get to bed for a bit now ( work nights! ) . Will let you know what happens!

Can you provide a list of programs that you are trying to install?

From the bit of searching that I've done, it seems that you are probably trying to install software that was designed from Windows 95 or 98. If this is the case, you will probably need to contact the software vendor to see if there are any updates/patches that you can use to install the software on XP.

thanks for that = will give it a go tomorrow - have to get to bed for a bit now ( work nights! ) . Will let you know what happens!

S give us the list of programs that u were trying to install

Can you provide a list of programs that you are trying to install?

From the bit of searching that I've done, it seems that you are probably trying to install software that was designed from Windows 95 or 98. If this is the case, you will probably need to contact the software vendor to see if there are any updates/patches that you can use to install the software on XP.

Thanks for the reply.

The main piece of software I've been trying to install is the Pinnacle Studio Media Suite OEM edition (version 1.0.7 ) which came with a Toshiba DVD writer I bought. It does say on the disc itself that it is for Windows 2000 / XP.

When I bought the DVD writer I had Windows 98 installed on a previous hard drive. I did try to load the Pinnacle software to that - but got the error message that the Windows system I had was inadequate and that I needed to upgrade.

That hard drive subsequently failed and I bought a new Seagate drive and installed XP.

Initially the software loaded but there was a problem accessing the CD writing part of the suite ( it also features photo software etc ). So after registering the product with Pinnacle I engaged in dialogue with them. They advised me to remove the software and download a registry cleaner to remove any last traces , and then to reinstall it.

It was at this point that I started to get the current error messages. The disc would not load automatically nor would it load by going into 'my computer' add/remove programs function. They suggested that I copy the lot to the hard drive - which I managed to do ( after a few false starts ) using Windows Explorer. However it still would not load up.

Pinnacle asked me to provide them with proof of purchase by sending a photo of the software disc and the receipt to verify that the software is the genuine article. It was at this point that I tried to download software that came with the Olympus camera which had worked perfectly well on the old W98 system and which , according to the literature that came with it , should also work on XP ( Olympus Master software created in 2004 ).

However the same problem occurred with this software - so I have no way of sending proof to Pinnacle!

It has also occurred when I've tried to download cover discs from a couple of computer mags.

So that's the story to date. would be very grateful if you could suggest anything! What confuses me is that ( according to the research I've done on the net ) kernell32.dll file is linked to earlier versions of Windows ( I get the impression that maybe you think this to be the case?).

Thanks in anticipation!

Jules ( Nuss )

Hi ,
This is Raguraj m.

I am facing the problem like I Insatalled the Serena Mashup Administrator in XP professional When i am connecting to Administrator I am facing the Error like

"TT Admin exe_entry point not found
The procedure entry point ??
1cu string @@ QAE@XZ Could not be located in dynamic link libraray TT common- Dll.dll
. "

Is there any Ideas for this solution?

M Raguraj

I recently had similar problem where every audio/video file associated with Jetaudio gave me ENtry point not found error. It also happened with Photoshop. I tried everything in the forums, the tweaks were solving the problem temporarily but after few minutes in tend to return. Thing that worked for me was: I updated Spy Bot Search and Distroy and ran it. It found 5 problems and the moment it cleaned them, the problem went away. I think it is some kind of spyware/adware which is causing this problem.

I dont promise that it will work in every condition but it worked for me so just wanted to share..


entry point not found.&COMRef.dll not be located in the dynamic liabary COMRef.dll (error i am getting)

I currently have windows xp and I am trying to install windows 7. As soon as I put the disc in it says entry point not found-setup.exe. Can anyone tell me what this means and how do I go about fixing it?

I currently have windows xp and I am trying to install windows 7. As soon as I put the disc in it says entry point not found-setup.exe. Can anyone tell me what this means and how do I go about fixing it?

if you are trying to upgrade from winxp to win7 ,it will not ,you need to do a full install .so backup your personal files and boot to the win7 dvd and do a full install

i'm new and MCP certified.
i'm also here to learn and share

use ccleaner prog or registery booster prog
if not click onpartation c, right click ,proprtise,tools ,error checking,check no,
restart ur pc let it to work to end

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